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au6989sn-gtd_GTD和OmniFocus 2-我的工作流程



I work from home running my own business, I’ve been running a business since 2001 – we did have an office for a few years but once we stopped taking on client projects to focus on Perch full-time, the office made little sense. In addition to Perch, I write books and articles and speak at conferences. I’m also a mother, something of a fitness fanatic, a family historian and I try not to let my house fall into chaos while I’m doing everything else that needs to be done.

我在家中工作,经营自己的公司,自2001年以来一直经营公司-我们确实有办公室了几年,但是一旦我们停止接受客户项目来全职专注于Perch ,办公室就变得毫无意义。 除了Perch,我还写书和文章,并在会议上发言。 我也是一位母亲,有些是健身狂热者,还是一位家庭历史学家,在我做其他需要做的事情时,我尽量不要让我的房子陷入混乱。

I get a lot done, and this post is about how I organise my life, leaning heavily on the Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology and OmniFocus for the Mac, iPhone and iPad.

我已经完成了很多工作,并且这篇文章是关于我如何安排生活的,主要依靠“完成事情( GTD )”方法以及Mac,iPhone和iPad的OmniFocus。

I’m going to assume you know a bit about Getting Things Done as a methodology already. If not here are the basic steps and the book is well worth a read.

我假设您已经对“完成事情”有所了解。 如果不是,这里是基本步骤这本书非常值得一读。

收集中 (Collecting)

I stick everything and anything into OmniFocus. Whether it is something I need to buy next time I venture out to the shops, a race I want to read about to see if I want to enter, a blog article title that just popped into my head or a major project such as the relaunch of our Perch Forums.

我将所有内容都粘贴到OmniFocus中 。 下次我去商店逛街时是否需要购买商品,是否想参加比赛以了解是否想参加,刚刚出现在我脑海中的博客文章标题或重大项目(例如重新启动)我们的鲈鱼论坛。

I tend not to leave things in the OmniFocus inbox for long. If I’m doing a big collecting session I might create a big list but then I quickly give things a Context and Project.

我倾向于不要将内容长时间留在OmniFocus收件箱中。 如果我正在做一个大型的收集会议,我可能会创建一个大列表,但随后我会快速给它一个上下文和项目。

语境 (Contexts)

My current Context list is as follows:


  • Computer – anything I need a computer for but could be completed anywhere
  • Office – if I need to be physically located in the office (for example recording a screencast)
  • Home – stuff round the house, not computer related
  • Errands – out and about
  • Phone – needs a phone
  • People – stuff relating to other people that I need to keep track of
  • Waiting – things on hold
  • Someday / Maybe – a bucket for ideas, things I might do at some point
  • GTD – a meta context for tasks relating to my system
  • 电脑 -我需要电脑的任何物品,但可以在任何地方完成
  • 办公室 –如果我需要亲自坐在办公室里(例如录制屏幕录像)
  • 家庭 –房子周围的东西,与计算机无关
  • 差事来回走动
  • 电话 –需要一部电话
  • 人员 -与我相关的与他人有关的事物
  • 等待中 -搁置的事情
  • 某天/也许 –一个想法的水桶,我可能会在某个时候做的事情
  • GTD –与我的系统相关的任务的元上下文

I try and keep contexts relating to where I need to be to perform the action, and to have as few as possible. I used to have a Computer – online, Computer – anywhere context however other than when I’m on an airplane I am usually not far from an internet connection.

我尝试保持与执行动作所需要的位置有关的上下文,并尽可能地减少上下文。 我曾经在任何地方都拥有一台计算机-在线,计算机-但是除了在飞机上时,我通常离互联网连接都不远。

I work from home. I run a business that happens 24/7. It makes no sense to me to split my to do list into work things and non-work things. Even if you go to an external office, if you are running your own business and have control over your time it often makes no sense to split things into work and not-work. It creates a false dichotomy and adds to the feeling that you are doing the wrong thing if you do a personal task in “work time” or a work task in supposed “personal time”.

我在家工作 我经营一家24/7的公司。 对我来说,将待办事项清单分为工作内容和非工作内容是没有意义的。 即使您去外部办公室,如果您正在经营自己的企业并能控制自己的时间,将事情分为工作和不工作通常是没有意义的。 如果您在“工作时间”中执行个人任务或在所谓的“个人时间”中执行工作任务,则会造成错误的二分法,并增加您做错事情的感觉。

项目和单项行动清单 (Projects and Single Action Lists)

In GTD-speak a Project is anything that requires more than one action to complete. OmniFocus gives you three ways to represent your Projects, which gives a good degree of flexibility and a method of storing related things that really do only have one action. When creating or editing a Project you can set it to be

GTD中,说一个项目是需要多个动作才能完成的任何事情。 OmniFocus为您提供了三种表示项目的方式,这提供了高度的灵活性,并且提供了一种存储确实只有一个动作的相关内容的方法。 创建或编辑项目时,可以将其设置为

  • Parallel – the actions can be completed in any order
  • Sequential – the actions need to be completed in a set order
  • Single Action List – a special type of project consisting of individual actions
  • 并行 –动作可以任何顺序完成
  • 顺序的 -动作需要按设定的顺序完成
  • 单一行动清单 –一种由个别行动组成的特殊项目类型

I use Single Action Lists for things like shopping lists, there are various places I visit locally, the town centre for example or a major supermarket. When I think of things I want to get when I walk into town I add it to a Single Action List for “Shopping: Town Centre”. I also use Single Action Lists for article, blog post or presentation ideas that I have thought of but haven’t yet decided on the research needed to write these.

我将“单一操作列表”用于购物清单之类的东西,例如,我在本地访问过许多地方,例如市中心或大型超市。 当我想到进入城镇时想要得到的东西时,将其添加到“购物:城镇中心”的“单个操作列表”中。 我还将“单个动作列表”用于我想到但尚未决定撰写这些文章,博客文章或演示文稿的想法。

For real Projects whether they are set up as Parallel or Sequential just depends on the type of Project. Some things – recording a new video tutorial for Perch for example – follow a set series of tasks and so are Sequential. Some other Projects have tasks that do not depend on each other and so I can pick them off in any order.

对于实际项目,将它们设置为“并行”还是“顺序”仅取决于项目的类型。 有些事情(例如,为Perch录制新的视频教程)要遵循一系列的任务,顺序任务也是如此。 其他一些项目具有彼此不依赖的任务,因此我可以按任何顺序选择它们。

I organize Projects into Folders. When we did client work I had a folder per client, these days I have a folder for rough areas of work and interests just to make it easy to know where to put a Project when I create one. So I have a folder that contains Writing projects, one for Presentations/Speaking, one for Perch, one for Fitness Training and so on.

我将项目组织到文件夹中。 当我们进行客户工作时,每个客户都有一个文件夹,这些天来,我有一个用于处理工作和兴趣的文件夹,目的是在创建项目时很容易知道将项目放在哪里。 因此,我有一个文件夹,其中包含写作项目,一个用于演示/演讲,一个用于Perch,一个用于健身培训,依此类推。

重复项目和动作 (Repeating Projects and Actions)

There are some things that need to be done on a weekly, monthly or other regular basis. I deal with most of the operations side of things at Perch, I also deal with fun tasks like the VAT return. By creating a Project that repeats on a certain date I can make “Complete the VAT Return” pop into my lists two weeks before it is due, at the point at which our bookkeeper should have reconciled all the the payments and receipts that make up the data for that report. Operation related tasks such as running updates on servers can be repeated too, so they appear and remind me to do them.

每周,每月或其他定期需要做一些事情。 我在Perch负责大部分操作,还处理一些有趣的任务,例如增值税退税 。 通过创建一个在某个特定日期重复的项目,我可以在到期前两周将“填写增值税退税单 ”弹出到我的清单中,此时我们的簿记员应已核对构成“ 增值税退税单 ”的所有付款和收据。该报告的数据。 与操作相关的任务(例如在服务器上运行更新)也可以重复执行,因此它们会出现并提醒我去做。

到期日和延期 (Due Dates and Deferring)

OmniFocus allows you to set a date to defer an item until – in which case you can hide it until that date arrives. You can also set a date by which the item is Due. If you look at the Forecast View you can then get an overview of tasks that are coming up. I try to avoid assigning due dates to everything in my to do lists, the things that have due dates are things that actually have a deadline. There is nothing more stressful than constantly feeling nagged about completely arbitrary deadlines! I do think there is great power in setting deadlines but if you do it with every minor task it is likely you will just start ignoring the nagging reminders!

OmniFocus允许您设置日期以将项目推迟到–在这种情况下,您可以将其隐藏直到该日期到来。 您还可以设置项目到期的日期。 如果查看“预测视图”,则可以大致了解即将执行的任务。 我尽量避免为待办事项清单中的所有内容分配截止日期,截止日期的事情实际上是有截止日期的事情。 没有比继续对完全任意的截止日期感到feeling不休的压力更大! 我确实认为设置截止日期有很大的力量,但是如果您在完成每项次要任务时都这样做,则很可能您会开始忽略烦人的提醒!

Deferring tasks is really useful. It saves having things appearing in your Contexts and taking up your energy when you are not ready to act on them. I have a whole host of deferred items in my current lists – for example a Project to write a new talk for a conference that is happening in October. I don’t want to start writing that until later in the summer but having the project set up means that if I spot things that might be related to the subject I can store them alongside it until such time as it reaches the deferred until date and comes back into my lists.

推迟任务确实很有用。 这样可以避免事物出现在您的上下文中,并且在您不准备对它们采取行动时也可以节省精力。 我当前的清单中有很多递延项目,例如,一个项目,该项目将为即将在10月举行的会议撰写新的演讲。 我不想在夏天的晚些时候开始写这篇文章,但是设置项目意味着如果我发现了可能与主题相关的东西,我可以将它们存储在它旁边直到到达日期和时间为止。回到我的清单。

特殊GTD任务 (Special GTD Tasks)

When I explained my Contexts I mentioned that I have a special Context called GTD. Here I store a key part of my system – the Daily Review. This is a Project set to repeat daily at 5.30am as a Sequential type and set so that ticking off the last action completes the Project, I typically tick off the tasks within it while having a coffee first thing in the morning.

在解释上下文时,我提到我有一个特殊的上下文,称为GTD 。 在这里,我存储了系统的关键部分-每日评论。 这是一个项目,设置为每天在5.30am重复执行,作为顺序类型,并进行设置,以便勾选上一个动作即可完成该项目,通常我会在早上喝咖啡的同时勾选其中的任务。

  • Review Calendar
  • Process Email Inboxes
  • Process OmniFocus Inbox
  • Review Current Goals
  • Check All Projects have a Next Action
  • Flag Priority Actions for today
  • 审查日历
  • 处理电子邮件收件箱
  • 处理OmniFocus收件箱
  • 审查当前目标
  • 检查所有项目有下一步操作
  • 标记今天的优先动作

Each morning I go through this list, first checking my calendar so I know if I have any appointments booked. I’ll also check the OmniFocus Forecast View to see if anything is coming due over the next day or so.

每天早上,我都会查看此列表,首先检查我的日历,以便知道是否有任何约会。 我还将检查OmniFocus预测视图,以查看第二天​​左右是否有任何到期。

I then process my email inboxes. Many people would say not to deal with email first thing in the morning but it works for me – I wrote about my system here.

然后,我处理我的电子邮件收件箱。 很多人会说早上不处理电子邮件,但这对我有用- 我在这里写了关于我的系统的文章

I then make sure any items sat in the OmniFocus inbox have a Context and Project, or have been moved to a Single Item list.


Review Current Goals is a reminder to me to check that all of the Projects I am accumulating are linked to the goals I am working towards, both professionally and personally. I keep a separate list of bigger picture goals and use those to assess whether something makes it as a project or should be popped into Someday / Maybe for the time being.

回顾当前目标提醒我,要检查我正在积累的所有项目是否都与我正在努力实现的目标(无论是在职业上还是在个人上)都相关。 我保留了一个单独的较大目标列表,并使用这些目标来评估是否使某项目标成为项目或暂时将其放入“某天/也许”。

Check All Projects Have a Next Action is important. If a Project is current then it should have a Next Action, even if that is deferred or flagged as Waiting For (perhaps if I am waiting for a freelancer to complete some work on that project). If Projects are sat there with no Next Action they should either be placed on hold or marked as completed.

检查所有项目是否有下一步操作很重要。 如果一个项目是最新的,则即使该项目已被推迟或标记为“正在等待”,它也应具有“下一步操作”(也许如果我正在等待自由职业者完成该项目的某些工作)。 如果项目坐在那里而没有下一步操作,则应将其搁置或标记为已完成。

I then use Flags in OmniFocus to select the high priority tasks for today. These will be the things I tackle first. If I get through those then I will just move onto the Next Actions for any of my ongoing projects. When I used OmniFocus 1 I was far more reliant on these flags than I am now, the new version really suits well the way I work so I find I flag far fewer things and just rely on well set up Projects and Actions.

然后,我使用OmniFocus中的Flags选择今天的高优先级任务。 这些将是我首先要解决的问题。 如果我完成了这些任务,那么我将继续进行我正在进行的任何项目的“下一步行动”。 当我使用OmniFocus 1时,我现在比以前更加依赖这些标志,新版本确实非常适合我的工作方式,因此我发现我所标记的东西要少得多,而只依赖于设置良好的项目和操作。

As I do this Daily Review I am less strict about doing a regular weekly review, as I tend to keep things fairly tidy on a daily basis. Instead, often when a bigger project has just gone live, I’ll dedicate half a day or a day to thinking about my Goals and Projects and having a big thinking and organizing session, at which point things which I can see have no been touched since the last time I did this will be reprioritized or dropped as needed.

在进行每日检查时,我对每周进行一次定期检查不太严格,因为我倾向于每天保持整洁。 相反,通常当一个较大的项目刚刚上线时,我会花半天或一天的时间思考我的目标和项目,并进行大量的思考和组织会议,这时我能看到的事情并没有被触及自上次执行此操作以来,将根据需要重新设置优先级或将其删除。

So that’s my system. Productivity is a hugely personal thing and I’ve taken inspiration from many other systems and approaches that I’ve read about in the past. OmniFocus have recently launched their Inside OmniFocus site that has other workflows explained. Perhaps some of this will be helpful to someone else – feel free to add a comment with your own thoughts, especially if you are using some features of OmniFocus that I haven’t covered here.

这就是我的系统。 生产力是一件非常个人的事情,我从过去阅读过的许多其他系统和方法中汲取了灵感。 OmniFocus最近启动了他们的Inside OmniFocus网站,其中解释了其他工作流程。 也许其中一些对其他人会有所帮助-随意添加自己的想法进行评论,尤其是如果您使用的是OmniFocus的某些功能(我在这里未介绍)。

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2014/06/17/gtd-and-omnifocus-2-my-productivity-workflow/

