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Django resources


Django resources

This page lists open source projects and applications regarding Django, the framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

Feel free to update this page to improve the content as you see an opportunity to add or modify a resource, or to remove any unmaintained project from the list.

  1. ToDo

  2. Sites using Django

  3. References & Development Aides

  4. Django books

  5. Django application components

  6. Open-Source Django projects

  7. General

  8. Installing and configuring Django

  9. Development environment

  10. Templates

  11. Code examples

  12. Web services/APIs

  13. Tutorials on the Web

  14. Presentations

  15. Resources in other languages

  16. Community

  17. Jobs & Employment

  18. Cheat Sheets and Quick Starts


Things people can do to improve this page includes:

  • Relocating unmaintained projects to a "Discontinued resources" section.

  • Maintain a dynamically generated changelog

Sites using Django

References & Development Aides

  •  djangopackages.com - A list of open-source apps/projects for Django, focused on comparing similiar apps.

  •  Findjango - A vertical search engine addressing the Django community. Warning - link appears dead, redirects to drinkfindr.com

  •  DjangoSearch - A multilingual search engine for Django and archive of all articles.

  •  djangosnippets.org - Code-sharing site with source code available.

  •  django-apps.com - A catalog of complete django applications

  •  djangourls.com - An aggregator for the newest and most popular Django links

Django books

Django application components

These are open-source application components that you can plug into any project. See ReusableAppResources for other resources for finding and evaluating re-usable apps.

  • Search

    •  django-sphinx - A full-text search integration with Django using the Sphinx engine

    •  djapian - A full-text search integration with Django using Xapian

    •  django-search-with-lucene - Django search with Lucene is Tightly integrated the Lucene in Django, so use search content using django model filtering expressions.

    •  haystack - Modular search for Django.

  • CMS (feature comparison available)

    •  django-cms - A free, BSD-licensed content management system for Django, supporting a hierarchical page structure, internationalization and more. Notice: it doesn't supports Chinese(non-ASCII).

    •  Merengue A free, LGPL-Licensed content management system for Django. It’s not only a plug-and-play CMS but a framework to build CMS sites at top speed with clean and re-usable code

    •  django-simplecms - A simple cms As Simple As Possible but Extensible.

    •  django-simple-wiki - A simple, but powerful wiki supporting hierarchy, relations, attachments and permissions.

    •  django-page-cms A simple multilingual paged cms for Django

    •  PyLucid CMS - A lightweight content management system. Ideal for Shared-Webhosting: No shell account needed. Run at least with CGI. (GPL)

    •  django-blocks - An easier way to build Web apps like an blog or CMS more quickly and with almost no code.

    •  django-taxonomy - A taxonomy tool to integrate in your django sites/CMS. Can also be used as a menu structure.

    •  Mezzanine - A content management platform built on top of Django with many features including hierarchical pages, blogging, tagging, threaded comments and custom content types. BSD licensed.

    •  LFC - Lightning Fast CMS - Hierarchical pages, blogging, tagging, threaded comments and custom content types, workflows, role based permissions, multi-languages. BSD licensed.

  • Forums and comments ( feature comparison available)

  • Blog apps

  • Aggregation, RSS, feeds, lifestreams

  • Tagging

  • Maps, geo

  • Hierarchy structures in the database

    •  Django MPTT - Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal (MPTT) with your Django Model classes and working with trees of Model instances.

    •  django-treebeard - 3 different efficient tree implementations: Adjacency List, Materialized Path and Nested Sets. They share the same API, so it’s easy to switch between them.

  • Models, database, history, trails

    •  South - Intelligent schema and data migrations for Django projects

    •  DMigrate - A tool to migrate Django databases easily.

    •  django-mssql - An external database backend (based on ado-mssql) that allows MS SQL Server to run against Django-trunk

    •  django-firebird - An external database backend (based on kinterbasdb) that allows to work with Firebird SQL DBMS

    •  django-selectreverse - Model manager to reduce SQL querycount for nested lists with reverse foreignkeys or m2m relations.

    •  django-fullhistory - Offers an audit trail to be kept for objects being edited, even outside of the admin.

    •  django-reviews - A generic review application for Django projects, which allows association of a number of reviews with any Model instance and makes retrieval of reviews simple.

  • Task, jobs, queues, batch

    •  django-beanstalkd - A convenience wrapper for beanstalkd clients and workers in Django using the beanstalkc library for Python

    •  django-cron - A simple tool that allows you to have cron jobs for you applications. It comes with an example to delete expired sessions, and I have one for django-registration to delete expired users. Django Cron is intended to replace anything you would be adding to a bin directory in your own Django App

    •  celery - Task queue/Job Queue with Django integration.

    •  django-queue-service - A lightweight, open-source queueing mechanism along the lines of the Amazon Simple Queue Service.

    •  django-tasks - An asynchronous task management daemon, to execute long-running batch tasks (minutes, hours or even days) on a Django server.

  • Text editing, Wiki

  • XML-RPC, Rest, networking

    •  django-xmlrpc - a means by which a Django developer can expose their views (or indeed any other function) using XML-RPC.

  • Forms

    • AutoCompleteSolutions - links to several solutions for integrating JavaScript auto-complete fields

    •  django-forms-builder - Allows non-technical users to create website forms containing arbitrary sets of fields for data capture

  • Templates

  • Email integration

    •  django-email-extras - Provides the ability to send PGP encrypted email and allows non-technical users to manage PGP keys via the Django admin interface, as well as the ability to use the Django templating system to create multi-part emails

    •  django-flatemails - Django Flatemail System to allow for manageable email templating, much like flat pages.

    •  django-postman - User-to-User messaging system, with gateway to AnonymousUser?, moderation and thread management, user & exchange filters, auto-complete support.

  • Admin

    •  django-mobileadmin - The Django admin interface optimized for iPhone/iPod touch

    •  django-maintenancemode - Django-maintenancemode allows you to temporary shutdown your site for maintenance work.

    •  django-admin-tools - A collection of tools for the django administration interface, it includes a full featured and customizable dashboard, a customizable menu bar and tools to make admin ui theming easier.

  • Internationalization

    •  django-flags - An internationalization helper for django

    •  django-rosetta - Rosetta is a Django application that eases the internationalization (i18n) process of Django projects.

    •  django-localeurl - Specify the page language on the URL.

    •  django-modeltranslation Translate dynamic content of existing models without having to change the original model classes (using a registration approach).

    •  django-mothertongue Lightweight model translation application with inbuilt integration of django-localeurl (Compatible with django-rosetta and django-tinymce).

  • Media, graphics, images, photos, rights management

    •  django-licenses - With django-licenses you can give every object a different content license. You can easily manage your licenses and use them in other ways too.

    •  django-graphviz - Django + Graphiz

    •  django-dynamic-media-serve - Django Dynamic Media Serve is the good alternative of the default django.views.static.serve for serving the media files in Django.

    •  django-photologue A Django application for uploading, resizing, organizing, grouping, relating and displaying photographs and image galleries.

    •  django-imagekit Add "Photologue-style" image processing (resizing, effects, etc.) to your models in a simple, unobtrusive way.

    •  django-graphs - An extensible graphing engine using the Cairo graphics and FreeType? libraries.

    •  django-flowplayer - Embed multimedia in your pages with flowplayer template tags. Support for playlists, multiple player styles and configurations.

    •  django-fleshin - Fleshin is a pluggable photo management application for Django Web Framework.

    •  image - Django application that provides resizing and thumbnailing for images and videos with the ability to set the center of attention, heads won't get cut anymore.

  • Calendar

  • Ajax, CSS

  • Tracker, ticket integration

  • Other applications

Open-Source Django projects

These are stand-alone applications written using Django.


Installing and configuring Django

Development environment


Code examples

Web services/APIs

Tutorials on the Web


Resources in other languages


Jobs & Employment

  •  Django Jobs: is for listing permanent and freelance Django / Python Jobs, it's a portal for the Django community.

Cheat Sheets and Quick Starts




