The Apache Software Foundation and the Apache Portable Runtime Project are proud to announce the General Availability of version 0.9.20 of the APR Apache Portable Runtime library.
The corresponding version 0.9.19 of the companion APR-util Apache Portable Utility library and version 0.9.7 of the companion APR-iconv library, an alternative portable implementation of the 'iconv' library, remain current.
This version of APR is a security and bug fix release, and is provided only for users requiring APR 0.9 compatibility. Most developers are encouraged to adopt the latest APR 1.x version to ensure the most comprehensive support and access to the latest features and enhancements.
For further details of this legacy release, see the official announcement, as well as the CHANGES-APR-0.9, CHANGES-APR-UTIL-0.9, and CHANGES-APR-ICONV-0.9 files.
Programmer's Manual: APR | APR-util | APR-iconv