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DBA_JOBS describes all jobs in the database.

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USER_JOBS describes the jobs owned by the current user.

JOBNUMBERNOT NULLIdentifier of job. Neither import/export nor repeated executions change this value.
LOG_USERVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLLogin user when the job was submitted
PRIV_USERVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLUser whose default privileges apply to this job
SCHEMA_USERVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLDefault schema used to parse the job

For example, if the SCHEMA_USER is SCOTT and you submit the procedure HIRE_EMP as a job, the Oracle Database looks for SCOTT.HIRE_EMP

LAST_DATEDATE Date on which this job last successfully executed
LAST_SECVARCHAR2(8) Same as LAST_DATE. This is when the last successful execution started.
THIS_DATEDATE Date that this job started executing (usually null if not executing)
THIS_SECVARCHAR2(8) Same as THIS_DATE. This is when the last successful execution started.
NEXT_DATEDATENOT NULLDate that this job will next be executed
NEXT_SECVARCHAR2(8) Same as NEXT_DATE. This is when the last successful execution started.
TOTAL_TIMENUMBER Total wall clock time spent by the system on this job (in seconds) since the first time this job executed. This value is cumulative.
BROKENVARCHAR2(1) Y: no attempt is made to run this job

N: an attempt is made to run this job

INTERVALVARCHAR2(200)NOT NULLA date function, evaluated at the start of execution, becomes next NEXT_DATE
FAILURESNUMBER Number of times the job has started and failed since its last success
WHATVARCHAR2(4000) Body of the anonymous PL/SQL block that the job executes
NLS_ENVVARCHAR2(4000) Session parameters describing the NLS environment of the job
MISC_ENVRAW(32) Other session parameters that apply to this job
INSTANCENUMBER ID of the instance that can execute or is executing the job. The default is 0.


