Apache Commons Validator

    • Add an onsubmit attribute to your h:form tag that calls the JavaScript validation function generated by s:validatorScript.
    • Add Commons validators to JSF input components with s:commonsValidator and, optionally, s:validatorVar.
    • Add an s:validatorScript tag at the end of the h:form tag's body.

Apache Commons Validator对JSF页面验证提供了良好的支持和补充,以下为使用小结:




Services Provided

Shale provides three JSP tags that let you use the Commons Validator: s:commonsValidator, s:validatorVar, and s:validatorScript. The first two lets you attach a commons validator to a JSF input component and the third generates JavaScript validation code for validating each JSF component that has one or more Commons validators in a particular form. You can attach as many Commons validators to a single JSF input component as you wish.


commonsValidator Attributes

argA value that's plugged into the message String
clientIf true, validation is performed on the client String
datePatternStrictA date pattern using syntax defined in java.text.SimpleDateFormat String
maskA regular expression to which the value must conform String
maxThe maximum valid value String
maxlengthThe maximum valid length of the field String
messageA message displayed when validation fails String
minThe minimum valid value String
minlengthThe minimum valid length of the field String
serverIf true, validation is performed on the server String
typeThe type of validator associated with this tag String





Minlength  maxlength  creditCard   required    integer  intRange  


long  float  floatRange  double  doubleRange  Date  email 


mask  Byte  short  url














