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1. We no longer provide a ccache prebuilt.

// build/make/core/ccache.mk
# We no longer provide a ccache prebuilt.
# Ours was old, and had a number of issues that triggered non-reproducible
# results and other failures. Newer ccache versions may fix some of those
# issues, but at the large scale of our build servers, we weren't seeing
# significant performance gains from using ccache -- you end up needing very
# good locality and/or very large caches if you're building many different
# configurations.
# Local no-change full rebuilds were showing better results, but why not just
# use incremental builds at that point?
# So if you still want to use ccache, continue setting USE_CCACHE, but also set
# the CCACHE_EXEC environment variable to the path to your ccache executable.


1.Install ccache
# sudo apt install ccache

2.Set ccache
# emacs /etc/profile
export USE_CCACHE=1
export CCACHE_DIR=/mnt/e/works/.ccache
export CCACHE_EXEC=/usr/bin/ccache

3.Set android profile
# emacs build/core/ccache.mk
# So if you still want to use ccache, continue setting USE_CCACHE, but also set
# the CCACHE_EXEC environment variable to the path to your ccache executable.

# add by begin
+CCACHE_EXEC := /usr/bin/ccache
# add end

ifneq ($(CCACHE_EXEC),)
ifneq ($(filter-out false,$(USE_CCACHE)),)
