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jquery ajax response json,jQuery ajax request with json response, how to?




I am sending a ajax request with 2 post values, the first is "action" wich defines what actions my php script has to parse, the other is "id" wich is the id of the user it has to parse the script for.

The server returns 6 values inside a array() and is then encoded to JSON with the PHP function: json_encode();

Some of my responses are HTML, but when I encode it to JSON, it escapes "/" so it becomes "\/"

how do I disable that?

also when I don't know how to display this in jQuery when I get the server response, I just thought that putting it all into a div would just display the numbers and HTML codes I had requested, but it displays the array as it is encoded in PHP.


$response = array();

$response[] = "link";

$response[] = 1;

echo json_encode($response);



type: "POST",

dataType: "json",

url: "main.php",

data: "action=loadall&id=" + id,

complete: function(data) {




how do I make this to working JSON?


You need to call the


For example:


success: function(data){

var json = $.parseJSON(data); // create an object with the key of the array

alert(json.html); // where html is the key of array that you want, $response['html'] = "something..";


error: function(data){

var json = $.parseJSON(data);


} ...

see this in


if you still have the problem of slashes:

search for security.magicquotes.disabling.php




This answer here is for those who try to use $.ajax with the dataType property set to json and even that got the wrong response type. Defining the header('Content-type: application/json'); in the server may correct the problem, but if you are returning text/html or any other type, the $.ajax method should convert it to json. I make a test with older versions of jQuery and only after version 1.4.4 the $.ajax force to convert any content-type to the dataType passed. So if you have this problem, try to update your jQuery version.


Firstly, it will help if you set the headers of your PHP to serve JSON:

header('Content-type: application/json');

Secondly, it will help to adjust your ajax call:


url: "main.php",

type: "POST",

dataType: "json",

data: {"action": "loadall", "id": id},

success: function(data){



error: function(error){





If successful, the response you receieve should be picked up as true JSON and an object should be logged to console.

NOTE: If you want to pick up pure html, you might want to consider using another method to JSON, but I personally recommend using JSON and rendering it into html using templates (such as Handlebars js).


Connect your javascript clientside controller and php serverside controller using sending and receiving opcodes with binded data. So your php code can send as response functional delta for js recepient/listener

see https://github.com/ArtNazarov/LazyJs

Sorry for my bad English


Since you are creating a markup as a string you don't have convert it into json. Just send it as it is combining all the array elements using implode method. Try this.

PHP change

$response = array();

$response[] = "link";

$response[] = 1;

echo implode("", $response);//

JS (Change the dataType from json to html or just don't set it jQuery will figure it out)


type: "POST",

dataType: "html",

url: "main.php",

data: "action=loadall&id=" + id,

success: function(response){





Try below code. Json parse() method is not required since your datatype is json itself. Parse is needed to convert text into a JavaScript object.


url : base_url+"Login/submit",

type: "POST",

dataType: "json",

data : {

'username': username,

'password': password


success: function(data)






