using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Net;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Threading;
namespace QQClass
public partial class UDPSocket : Component
private IPEndPoint ServerEndPoint = null; //定义网络端点
private UdpClient UDP_Server = new UdpClient(); //创建网络服务,也就是UDP的Socket
private System.Threading.Thread thdUdp; //创建一个线程
public delegate void DataArrivalEventHandler(byte[] Data, IPAddress Ip, int Port); //定义了一个托管方法
public event DataArrivalEventHandler DataArrival; //通过托管理在控件中定义一个事件
private string localHost = "";
[Browsable(true), Category("Local"), Description("本地IP地址")] //在“属性”窗口中显示localHost属性
public string LocalHost
get { return localHost; }
set { localHost = value; }
private int localPort = 11000;
[Browsable(true), Category("Local"), Description("本地端口号")] //在“属性”窗口中显示localPort属性
public int LocalPort
get { return localPort; }
set { localPort = value; }
private bool active = false;
[Browsable(true), Category("Local"), Description("激活监听")] //在“属性”窗口中显示active属性
public bool Active
return active;
set //该属性读取值
active = value;
if (active) //当值为True时
CloseSocket(); //关闭监听
public UDPSocket()
public UDPSocket(IContainer container)
container.Add(this);//if it is component ,herein we should assume container;
protected void Listener() //监听
ServerEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any,localPort); //将IP地址和端口号以网络端点存储
if (UDP_Server != null)
//if (UDP_Server == null)
UDP_Server = new UdpClient(localPort); //创建一个新的端口号
UDP_Server.Client.ReceiveBufferSize = 1000000000; //接收缓冲区大小
UDP_Server.Client.SendBufferSize = 1000000000; //发送缓冲区大小
thdUdp = new Thread(new ThreadStart(GetUDPData)); //创建一个线程
thdUdp.Start(); //执行当前线程
catch (Exception e)
MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); //显示线程的错误信息
private void GetUDPData() //获取当前接收的消息
while (active)
byte[] Data = UDP_Server.Receive(ref ServerEndPoint); //将获取的远程消息转换成二进制流
if (DataArrival != null) //如果当前正在托管
DataArrival(Data, ServerEndPoint.Address, ServerEndPoint.Port);//利用当前控件的DataArrival事件将消息发给远程计算机
catch { }
private void CallBackMethod(IAsyncResult ar)
DataArrivalEventHandler dn = (DataArrivalEventHandler)ar.AsyncState;
public void Send(System.Net.IPAddress Host, int Port, byte[] Data)
IPEndPoint server = new IPEndPoint(Host, Port); //将IP地址和端口号实例化一个IPEndPoint对象
UDP_Server.Send(Data, Data.Length, server); //将消息发给远程计算机
catch (Exception e)
private void OpenSocket() //打开socket
Listener(); //通过该方法对UDP协议进行监听
private void CloseSocket() //关闭socket
if (UDP_Server != null) //如果socket不为空
UDP_Server.Close(); //关闭socket
if (thdUdp != null) //如果自定义线程被打开
Thread.Sleep(30); //睡眠主线程
thdUdp.Abort(); //关闭子线程
be wise to why assume the way of component here
rule:whatever you need to set the parameters ,you need to assume the componet way;
put the relative method into property .that we make the invoke ways expediently;
in the common sense ,we distinguished server and client apart
at server we do it like this .bind(ipendport) then listen;
if it detects a requst ,it can generate a new socket to send and receive;
at client .connect (server endpoint) then send and receive;
but herein it did :
ipendpoint end = new ipendpoint(ipaddress.any,port);
svrsocket.receive(ref end);
it didn't tell from server and client;