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Exo Platform(特点及使用)


Exo Platformv1:
Good aspects:

1)Exo Platform 1.0 boasts strong developer-oriented features, including integration with Eclipse and a framework based on JavaServer Faces technology, which is more portlet-friendly than standard JavaServer Pages technology.
2)Exo Platform 1.0 can also integrate with corporate directories:---Exo Platform also has some good tools for creating and managing users and groups. More important, it can integrate with company directories through an OpenLDAP implementation (although this requires good LDAP familiarity).

3)It has surprisingly extensive workflow capabilities.--almost resemble BPM (business process management) in their ability to create and manage complex human work processes. Exo Platform 1.0 doesn't provide the type of visual process tool that BPM products typically have, but we could create processes using XML and other standard formats to handle the workflow of tasks as varied as vacation requests and purchase orders.

4)carry out a wide range of management functions and had access to some very good monitoring and tracking features

5)Exo Platform 1.0 uses a community-based approach to organizing and managing the portal and its users, making it possible to arrange the portal in a way that best fits a company's structure and work style.

6)Exo Platform 1.0 has many of the portlets that one would expect in this type of product, including forums, RSS features and integrated Wiki support.

7)We found Exo Platform 1.0's standards support to be universally good: In addition to its support for JavaServer Faces, Exo Platform 1.0 supports Web Services for Remote Portals and Java Content Repository specifications. And, like most open-source server products, Exo Platform 1.0 interfaces worked in every browser with which we tested, including the latest versions of Firefox, Internet Explorer, Mozilla and Safari.

8)Exo Platform 1.0's international features are among some of the best we've seen, making it very simple to move among languages in the portal (including Chinese, English and French, by default).

Exo platformv2

Inversion of Control(IOC),Portal,The Portlet Container,ECM(JCR-JSR170)
1)The Services Container(服务容器)提供控制反转机制,使得中间组件服务与它们的具体实现想分离,这种强大的架构容许组件的松散偶合,增加了整个平台的可维护性。
2)The Portlet Container 是Portlet API规范(JSR168)的被证明了的开源实现。这个模块管理Portlet组件的生命周期和延迟实例化。这个实现在缓存,连接池,和分享会话方面有优化,并通过有效的监视能力,来提供一个强大的生产环境。
4)Enterprise Content Management(ECM)提供存储在任何数据库和文件系统中的文档的层次组织,以便用最少的代码来实现每个存储系统。整个的模块是基于Exo Platform JCR(Java Content Repository--JCR-JSR170)来实现的。

Exo Platform 用JBPM工作流引擎,正在考虑用Bonita替换@

mvn eclipse:eclipse,为多个Projects产生配置,则进入产品目录,如v2.x/exo-platform,运行一样的命令即可.为整个工程产生配置,则要进入v2.x目录,运行命令:  mvn -f modules.xml eclipse:eclispe,注意:在为多个工程产生配置时,要将多个工程都导入Eclipse,否则Eclipse会报错.
