Use the customuserinfo API for managing custom user definitions. Three resources are used: customuserinfo/definition, customuserinfo/value, and customuserinfo/user.
Simple, the ID of the object (a long value)
"id":"_id of definition_",
"description":"_definition description_",
"name":"_definition name_"
"userId":"_id of user_",
"value":"_content of the value_",
"definitionId":"_id of definition_"
"userId":"_id of user_",
"value":"_content of the value_",
"id" : "_id of definition_",
"description" : "_definition description_",
"name" : "_definition name_"
The methods used for these resources are:
Handle the platform. This requires a platform session. Log in using the platformloginservice servlet.
unusedid, the id is not used because there is only one platform
"createdBy":"_the user name of the platform administrator_",
"created":"_the creation date_",
"initialVersion":"_the version in which the platform was created_",
"state":"_can be STARTED or STOPPED_",
"previousVersion":"_the previous version the platform was in or empty if there is none_",
"version":"_the current version of the platform_"
The methods used for this resource are: