按照Ghidra的installation guide,Ghidra提供了二次开发和调用API的功能:
Users can extend the functionality of Ghidra through the development of custom Ghidra scripts, plugins, analyzers, etc.
Ghidra supports development in Eclipse by providing a custom Eclipse plugin called GhidraDev, which can be found in the <GhidraInstallDir>/Extensions/Eclipse directory. For more information on installing and using the GhidraDev Eclipse plugin, see <GhidraInstallDir>/Extensions/Eclipse/GhidraDev/GhidraDev_README.html.
Help——Intall New Software——Add——Archive——从<GhidraInstallDir>/Extensions/Eclipse/GhidraDev/选择GhidraDev zip——Add——“Ghidra”前打对号——Next——Next——Accept——Finish——Install Anyway——Restart Now——然后就可以看到GhidraDev的选项卡了。(话说,Eclipse这种安装过程很繁琐,不觉得这样很垃圾么)
然后我们可以新建一个项目:GhidraDev——New——Ghidra Script Project(如果需要配置,指定一下Ghidra安装位置之类的即可,也可以通过Preferences——Ghidra Installations来指定)。
There are two ways to create Ghidra run configurations:
- Click Run → Run Configurations...
- Right-click on Ghidra (or Ghidra Headless), and click New
- In the Main tab, click Browse... and select the Ghidra project to launch
- Optionally rename the new run configuration by editing the Name field at the top
Alternatively, you can right-click on any Ghidra project in the Eclipse package explorer, and then click Run As → Ghidra.
To debug Ghidra, click Debug As → Ghidra. GhidraDev will automatically switch Eclipse to the debug perspective.
这里也介绍得很清楚了。但是这里并没有说参数应该填什么啊。呵呵呵,不得不说,Ghidra的文档已经写得相当贴心了,但是还是有让人不能很好理解的地方,其实用Eclipse运行和我们直接使用Headless Mode是一样的,只不过Eclipse提供了方便编程和调试的功能。按照这里说的:
For more information, see the <GhidraInstallDir>/support/analyzeHeadlessREADME.html file.
The Headless Analyzer can be useful when performing repetitive tasks on a project (i.e., importing and analyzing a directory of files or running a script over all the binaries in a project).
analyzeHeadless <project_location> <project_name>[/<folder_path>] | ghidra://<server>[:<port>]/<repository_name>[/<folder_path>] [[-import [<directory>|<file>]+] | [-process [<project_file>]]] [-preScript <ScriptName> [<arg>]*] [-postScript <ScriptName> [<arg>]*] [-scriptPath "<path1>[;<path2>...]"] [-propertiesPath "<path1>[;<path2>...]"] [-scriptlog <path to script log file>] [-log <path to log file>] [-overwrite] [-recursive] [-readOnly] [-deleteProject] [-noanalysis] [-processor <languageID>] [-cspec <compilerSpecID>] [-analysisTimeoutPerFile <timeout in seconds>] [-keystore <KeystorePath>] [-connect [<userID>]] [-p] [-commit ["<comment>"]] [-okToDelete] [-max-cpu <max cpu cores to use>] [-loader <desired loader name>]
Headless Analyzer Examples
Import a binary /binaries/binary1.exe to a local Ghidra Project named Project1. Analysis is on by default.
analyzeHeadless /Users/user/ghidra/projects Project1 -import /binaries/binary1.exe
Import all *.exe binaries from a local folder to a local Ghidra project named Project1, suppressing analysis.
analyzeHeadless /Users/user/ghidra/projects Project1 -import /Users/user/sourceFiles/*.exe -noanalysis
Import the binary /usr/local/binaries/binaryA.exe to a subfolder of a local Ghidra Project, running a prescript, but suppressing analysis.
analyzeHeadless /Users/user/ghidra/projects Project1/folderOne -scriptPath /usr/scripts -preScript RunThisScriptFirst.java -import /usr/local/binaries/binaryA.exe -noanalysis