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       1. InfoGlue包含3个部分:InfoGlue WCMSInfoGlue Calendar  和InfoGlue Eclipse IDE , 重点是InfoGlue WCMS ,即内容管理部分,InfoGlue Eclipse IDE  是一个eclipse 插件,作用是在安装好InfoGlue WCMS后直接连上InfoGlue WCMS  服务进行开发,只需保存就和Tomcat中的InfoGlue WCMS应用同步,不用单独重新部署。

        2.现在主要谈InfoGlue WCMS的下载,它包含两种情况,一是下载安装包,安装后直接就使用,V2.9.2安装包下载地址:http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=73706  二是下载源码,编译后部署使用。以下是步骤:


Building InfoGlue from CVS
If you want to build InfoGlue yourself there are ant-scripts available for this. Follow these instructions to download source for the latest development version and compile it.
1. Download InfoGlueBuilder13.zip and unzip into an empty directory.
2. run infoglue_checkout.bat / infoglue_checkout.sh to check out the modules needed. (optional after first time).
3. cd InfoGlueInstaller
4. ant



        3.文档下载地址:http://www.infoglue.org//old/projects/infoglue_cms/documentation 主要有3个文档

InfoGlue Developer Manual for version 2.8.0.pdf

InfoGlue User Manual for version2.8.0.pdf

InfoGlue Administrative Manual for version2.8.0.pdf



Step 1: Installing Java 1.5 or above and set the envirorment;

Step 2: Installing Apache Tomcat 5.5 or above;

Step 3: Installing MySQL 5.5 or above and start the server

Step 4. Run the install.bat under the 安装包

按照“InfoGlue Administrative Manual for version2.8.0.pdf” 文档中第9到12页即可安装成功,十分方便。安装完后会有个提示地址,即可以使用的你自己的Infoglue地址。一切就可以开始了,哈哈!!:)


