zcu102 uart驱动版本6.7 ,驱动改变重启电脑,确认jtag和uart同时连接到102,
COM Port B is for the ARM processor
COM Port C is for PL Fabric (MicroBlaze) use
COM Port D is for the System Controller
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Jul 5 2017 11:32:33
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Here you sampling rate is 800 MSPS and sampling clock is coming from LMX2594 chip
on the board , so you need to program the LMX2594 to output the 800MHz,
as LMX2594 is from TI , the TICS Pro is used to generate the clocking file ,
either .tcs/,txt , you can use these files and program the LMX2594 using SCUI for ZCU111
This is the low noise jitter cleaner that feds the LMK2594. The LMX2594 is programmed using 24-bit shift registers. The shift register consists of a R/W bit (MSB), followed
by a 7-bit address field and a 16-bit data field. For the R/W bit, 0 is for write, and 1 is for read. The address field
ADDRESS[6:0] is used to decode the internal register address. The remaining 16 bits form the data field DATA[15:0].
The LMX is programmed using 24 bit shift register. This is the clock provides the clock to the tiles on the RFDC:
LMK04208 C Code Programming:
The LMK04208 can be programmed via a C code application delivered with the RFDC driver, the code snippet is shown below.
LMK04208ClockConfig(12, LMK04208_CKin);
LMX2594ClockConfig(12, 3932160);
If using the rfdc example code, then the user will need to set the #define XPS_BOARD_ZCU111.
使用给的时钟大小,直接配置,如果没有需要的,要自定义时钟大小就要下载TI公司的TIC PRO
切换时钟后,使用参考频率代码控制,发现锁相环不锁,但是如果按复位按钮por_b ,不重启就可以锁。
to check. I cannot get the PLL lock status = 2 (locked)
The function LMX2594ClockConfig can only program the following frequencies
I am curious if the LMK4208 -> LMX2594 -> RD ADC/DAC is the only way to clock for this board? Is it possible to use something else like the clocks generated from SI570 or SI5382?
Finally, in Figure 3-18 in UG1271, it looks like there are multiple LMX2594s. In the SCUI, I also see LMX2594_A, LMX2594_B and LMX2594_C. However, the C function LMX2594ClockConfig(1, 3932160) is not clear to me. How would I set up the 3 LMXs using the C function?
Hi, just to make sample clock setup for RFDC on ZCU111 little bit clearer. Parameter XFrequency for void LMX2594ClockConfig(int XIicBus, int XFrequency) is in kiloHertz and as is stated above it is neccessary to choose this value from 2-dim array. The functions sets all three LMX2594 (A, B, C) to the same frequency
DAC229 到 ADC225
#1 Wanted to check if you can share your DAC spectrum and compare it with fft of ADC captured samples .
Do not compare sample by sample.
#2 As sanity check to ensure clocks are running properly , you can try simple loopback where DAC and ADC modes are real-real (Playing single tone sinusoidal on DAC)
#3 As your both stream interfaces running at 61.44, you can select CLKOUT either from ADC/DAC tile and connect to s1_axis_aclk and m1_axis_aclk and tile resetn to constant 1.
#4 Regarding the NCO settings
SYSREF_P/N is required only when Multi tile Syncronization is required