Hibernate 团队对外宣布了一个新的家族成员,Hibernate OGM, OGM 是 Object Grid Mapping的缩写,它的目标是试图使用 JPA 来操作 NoSQL数据库,目前似乎局限于Infinispan 。
- CRUD operations for entities
- properties with simple (JDK) types
- embeddable objects
- entity hierarchy
- identifier generators (TABLE and all in-memory based generators today)
- optimistic locking
- @ManyToOne,@OneToOne,@OneToManyand@ManyToManyassociations
- bi-directional associations
- Set,ListandMapsupport for collections
- most Hibernate native APIs (likeSession) and JPA APIs (likeEntityManager)
- same bootstrap model found in JPA or Hibernate Core: in JPA, set<provider>toorg.hibernate.ogm.jpa.HibernateOgmPersistenceand you're good to go
PS:从目前情况看,不支持流行的 MongoDB 等等。与DataNucleus(http://www.datanucleus.org)在Backend的存储技术方面,还不能相提并论,DataNucleus支持JDO,JPA标准,支持目前几乎所有的流行的存储方式,Google的APPEngine也是基于DataNucleus的。