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Install GraphLab Create --copy from turi


Install GraphLab Create

Option 1: Install into Anaconda Python Environment

GraphLab Create installation requires a Python 2.7.x environment and pip version >= 7 and Anaconda2 v4.0.0 (64-bit). IPython Notebook is recommended.

Step 1: Download Anaconda2 v4.0.0

Step 2: Install Anaconda

# Run Anaconda2 v4.0.0 installer.
bash /path to download file/Anaconda2-4.0.0-Linux-x86_64.sh

Step 3: Create conda environment

# Create a new conda environment with Python 2.7.x
conda create -n gl-env python=2.7 anaconda=4.0.0

# Activate the conda environment
source activate gl-env

Step 4: Ensure pip version >= 7

# Ensure pip is updated to the latest version
# miniconda users may need to install pip first, using 'conda install pip'
conda update pip

Step 5: Install GraphLab Create

# Install your licensed copy of GraphLab Create
pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir https://get.graphlab.com/GraphLab-Create/2.1/email address/key/GraphLab-Create-License.tar.gz

Step 4: Ensure installation of IPython and IPython Notebook

# Install or update IPython and IPython Notebook
conda install ipython-notebook

Upgrade to GraphLab Create with GPU Acceleration

GraphLab Create on Linux can be upgraded to support multiple NVIDIA GPUs. Applying GPUs to computation can significantly improve performance of the Neural Network Classifier.

More detail and solution see turi.com



