Spring IO Platform-项目依赖维护


什么是Spring IO Platform

官网: https://spring.io/projects/platform

Spring IO Platform简介及示例
参考URL: https://www.cnblogs.com/chenliyang/p/6542867.html

Spring IO Platform,简单的可以认为是一个依赖维护平台,该平台将相关依赖汇聚到一起,针对每个依赖,都提供了一个版本号;


The Platform will reach the end of its supported life on 9 April 2019. Maintenence releases of both the Brussels and Cairo lines will continue to be published up until that time. Users of the Platform are encourage to start using Spring Boot’s dependency management directory, either by using spring-boot-starter-parent as their Maven project’s parent, or by importing the spring-boot-dependencies bom.

总结: 注意,这个项目,于2019年4月9日达到其支持寿命的终点。如果使用spring boot建议使用 使用 spring-boot-starter-parent as their Maven project’s parent, or by importing the spring-boot-dependencies bom.

为什么要使用Spring IO Platform


好消息是,Spring IO Platform能很好地解决这些问题,我们在添加第三方依赖的时候,不需要写版本号,它能够自动帮我们挑选一个最优的版本,保证最大限度的扩展,而且该版本的依赖是经过测试的,可以完美的与其它组件结合使用。

Spring IO Platform中维护了哪些依赖


如何使用Spring IO Platform

			<!-- declare Spring BOMs in order -->

Spring IO Platform项目终止了

End of Life
The Platform will reach the end of its supported life on 9 April 2019. Maintenence releases of both the Brussels and Cairo lines will continue to be published up until that time. Users of the Platform are encourage to start using Spring Boot’s dependency management directory, either by using spring-boot-starter-parent as their Maven project’s parent, or by importing the spring-boot-dependencies bom.



            <!-- Spring Boot -->
            <!-- Spring Cloud -->