警告规则 (如):Declaration of xxxxxx should be compatible with yyyyyy
PhalconPlus1.2.0扩展在PHP7上编译安装后出现的Notice级别警告如下NOTICE: PHP message: PHP Warning: Declaration of
PhalconPlusAppApp::getModule(string $name = NULL):
PhalconPlusAppModuleAbstractModule should be compatible with
PhalconApplication::getModule($name) in Unknown on line 0 NOTICE: PHP
message: PHP Warning: Declaration of
PhalconPlusAppApp::setDefaultModule(string $defaultModule):
PhalconApplication should be compatible with
PhalconApplication::setDefaultModule($defaultModule) in Unknown on
line 0 NOTICE: PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Declaration of
PhalconPlusMvcPsrApplication::handle(?string $uri = NULL):
PhalconHttpResponseInterface must be compatible with
PhalconMvcApplication::handle($uri = NULL) in Unknown on line 0
子类覆写父类的方法时 必须一致,包括 参数个数一致、参数如果没有值 则需要定义其默认值