EiC: While you are revising your paper, here is a list of points worth checking, which we find author’s overlook. I will check that these are adhered to before your paper is approved for publication, assuming the revision satisfies the Associate Editor and Reviewers.
a) Make sure your title is succinct and grammatical. It should ideally not exceed 10-15 words.
b) Make sure your conclusions reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of your work, how others in the field can benefit from it and thoroughly discus future work. The conclusions should be different in content from the abstract, and be rather longer too.
c) Take a careful look at your bibliography and how you cite papers listed in it. Make sure it is current, and cites recent work. Please cite a variety of different sources of literature. Please do not make excessive citation to arXiv papers, or papers from a single conference series. Do not cite large groups of papers without individually commenting on them. So we discourage " In prior work [1,2,3,4,5,6] …". Your bibliography should only exceptionally exceed about 40 items.
d) You may have originally written your paper with a different audience in mind. Please make sure the revised version is relevant to the readership of Pattern Recognition. To this end please make sure you cite RECENT work from the field of pattern recognition that will be relevant to our readership.
e) Do not exceed the page limits or violate the format, i.e. double spaced SINGLE column with a maximum of 35 pages for a regular paper and 40 pages for a review.
The paper needs to be formatted for reviewing: single column, double space, 20-35 numbered pages. Please check the journal style guidelines for reviewing.
The Conclusions need proposed future work.
The paper needs to be grounded in the archival pattern recognition literature such as PR, PRL, PAMI and cognate journals.
Several PAMI papers were cited, but there are no other archival pattern recognition references.
The paper needs to be checked by a competent English writer or a technical editor.