OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) 3.4
Hawkular metrics pod status is not stable - 503 Service Unavailable
scaling up Hawkular and Cassandra to more pods could help to mitigate the issue.
oc scale rc <rc-name> --replicas=X
oc process hawkular-cassandra-node-pv -v PV_SIZE=<XGi> -v NODE=<number-of-node(2)> -v IMAGE_VERSION=<image-version-used(v1.4.1)> > processed.yaml
oc apply -f processed.yaml
#Note: IMAGE_VERSION parameter should be the same as the one from the original hawkular-cassandra-1 replication controller. Image version can be obtained by:
oc describe rc hawkular-cassandra-1 | grep Image: