Hawkular Metrics 0.17.0 发布了,该版本更新主要包括性能增强和全新的Grafana Datasource插件,具体如下:
1. Grafana Datasource Plugin – ExperimentalA new Grafana 3 datasource plugin is now available for Hawkular Metrics. This plugin integrates natively via the REST API.
For downloads and installation instructions please visit Hawkular Datasource for Grafana
The plugin is developed as an independent project and contributions are welcomed.
2. InfluxDB API – DEPRECATEDThe InfluxDB API has been deprecated and will be removed in the upcoming release.
This was an addition to make project integrations easier. As the REST interface matured, the role of the InfluxDB compatibility interface was reduced only serve as the Grafana interface. With the release of the native Grafana plugin, this is no longer needed.
For more details: HWKMETRICS-411
3. Fetching Raw Data – Multiple Metrics – ExperimentalPrior to this release, it was possible to only fetch raw data points for a single metric. This release added POST */query endpoint that allows querying for raw data points for multiple metrics.
The endpoints are:POST /hawkular/metrics/gauges/raw/query
POST /hawkular/metrics/counters/raw/query
POST /hawkular/metrics/counters/rates/query
POST /hawkular/metrics/strings/raw/query
POST /hawkular/metrics/availability/raw/query
POST /hawkular/metrics/metrics/raw/query
The endpoint accepts a list of metrics ids and allows filtering by providing start time, end time, sort order and limit.
For more details: HWKMETRICS-393
4. Performance EnhancementsTwo Cassandra driver settings (maxConnectionsPerHost and maxRequestsPerConnection) are now user configurable. Part of the update, the default values have been increased from the driver defaults. The new defaults had a significant performance boost for a simple test deployment. The settings are configurable to allow users to optimize driver behavior for larger Hawkular Metrics deployments. (HWKMETRICS-430)
On Linux deployments, the Cassandra driver uses Netty native epoll (HWKMETRICS-418)
5. CassandraFixed an issue with schema upgrades present in Hawkular Metrics 0.15.0 and 0.16.0. We recommend upgrading from previous versions directly to 0.17.0. For more details: HWKMETRICS-425
Cassandra 3.7 is now the supported version of Cassandra. Support has been deprecated for Cassandra 3.5.
Hawkular Metrics Clients
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