操作系统win7 64 vs2008
最新源代码 地址 http://docs.yate.ro/wiki/Download
这里我选择windows版本可以使用svn下载 svn checkout http://voip.null.ro/svn/yate/trunk
web版本的svn地址 WebSVN http://yate.null.ro/websvn/listing.php?repname=yate
2、下载之后解压文件,看安装文档 地址http://docs.yate.ro/wiki/Compiling_and_Installing_Yate_on_Windows
To compile please build the "YATE" project - it will build the library and all modules without external dependencies. After taking Yate from SVN ( the URL to use is:http://voip.null.ro/svn/yate/trunk), go to windows\ folder from your "Yate" project where you will find YATE.sln that you have to build in your Visual Studio environment. Select the build type as "Release" or "Debug" in the Build toolbar and build Yate.
The "Extra" project holds modules that have external dependencies. You will not be able to build them without installing extra headers and libraries in your Visual Studio environment:
If you build Yate from sources and Visual Studio crashes or hangs beyond cancellation please clean the build and repeat from scratch. Already compiled object files may be good or may be damaged - just stay on the safe side.
NOTE: Compilation may fail because of WinDNS.h included fromengine/Resolver.cpp - in this case you have two options:
Please see the notes at the top of engine/Resolver.cpp for more details.
1)安装h323chan 这个需要 PWLib 和 OpenH323 安装说明地址 http://docs.yate.ro/wiki/Installing_OpenH323_under_Windows
The following are needed in order to build Pwlib successfully:
After downloading and unzipping to a directory (let’s call it "\Pwlib\"), there is a little more work to do, by installing GNU Bison and checking Visual C++ header files.
The next step is to go to Tools-Options and add the following paths required for compilation:
There are three different projects that can be built as Debug or Release versions, for both MSVC 6 and VS.Net:
2)安装PWLib又需要库GNU Bison 和 flex
就不要单独去下载了,这里我采用的是合成版本win_flex_bison, 下载地址https://sourceforge.net/projects/winflexbison/
下载后解决全部放入C:\BuildTools\ 这个目录下,然后在vs2008的bin目录增加这个进去
3)编译pwlib之前还要做一件事 否则编译不过去,以前是修改winver版本号 最后修改为xp之后501 ,其他编译错误自己应该都可以解决掉
4)还要准备一个工具就是openssh 这里一定要下载1.0.2之前的版本,否则头文件不匹配,这个可以直接下载Win32OpenSSL-1_0_2c.exe 或者下载源码直接编译
5)注意pwlib有两个工程一个是vc6.0 一个vs.net工程 可以支持vs2005以后的版本,这里选择vs2005 因为vs2008可以直接进行转换,转换后就可以编译出pwliblib和dll了