Apache Fineract: A Platform for Microfinance
The next evolution of Apache Fineract focuses on being faster, lighter and cheaper to change (than the existing Mifos) so that it is more responsive to the needs of Microfinance Institutions and Integrators.
Java >= 1.8 (Oracle JVMS have been tested)
gradle-wrapper.jar version 2.10
MySQL 5.5
Instructions to build war file
Extract the archive file to your local directory.
Download gradle-wrapper.jar version 2.10 and place it in the fineract-provider/gradle/wrapper folder.
Change the current working directory to fineract-provider.
Run ./gradlew clean war or ./gradlew build to build deployable war file which will be created at fineract-provider/build/libs directory.
Instructions to execute Integration tests
Login to mysql DB using mysql -u root -pmysql
Create the mifosplatform-tenants database using CREATE DATABASE mifosplatform-tenants.
Create the default tenant database using CREATE DATABASE mifostenant-default.
With fineract-provider as current working directory run the following commands:
./gradlew migrateTenantListDB -PdbName=mifosplatform-tenants
./gradlew migrateTenantDB -PdbName=mifostenant-default
Run ./gradlew clean integrationTest
The latest stable release can be viewed on the develop branch: Latest Release on Develop, View change log
Apache Fineract Platform API
The API for the Fineract-platform (project named 'Apache Fineract') is documented in the API-docs under Full API Matrix and can be viewed here.
Online Demos
Video Demonstration
Apache Fineract / Mifos X Demo (November 2016) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h61g9TptMBo
More Information