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ajax triggers,dancer - What exactly triggers jQuery ajax success? - Stack Overflow


I am building some ajax in a Perl web framework Dancer I am not sure it is responding with proper http headers as I cannot trigger jQuery's ajax success handlers from what appear to be otherwise successful requests. Using the ajax snippet below I get the following output in a browser console. The complete callback gets called successfully and gives what looks like successful output. Status:200 StatusText:"OK" However the success handlers never get called.

$.ajax({type: "GET", url: "/learn/faq",

success: function(data){console.log('omg got it');},

complete: function(data){console.log("complete", data);}



XHR finished loading: "https://www.localhost:4443/learn/faq". assets-d36e1bb9fd59ba3dbd0f8a0cbb37ed8e.js:1


Object {readyState: 4, responseText: "↵↵↵↵↵↵↵↵
