“require”: {
“phpfastcache/phpfastcache”: “^6.0”
然后ctrl+R 输入cmd 打开黑窗口 composer update
// 不管使用什么方法安装phpFastCache都需要引入autoload.php文件,文件所放位置以及路径根据项目情况自行更改。
require_once './vendor/autoload.php';
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
use phpFastCache\CacheManager;
class Reviews extends CI_Controller {
public function phpfastcache(){
CacheManager::setDefaultConfig(array("path" => '/cache'));
// Get instance of files cache
$objFilesCache = CacheManager::getInstance('files');
$key = "welcome_message";
// Try to fetch cached item with "welcome_message" key
$CachedString = $objFilesCache->getItem($key);
if (is_null($CachedString->get()))
// The cached entry doesn't exist
$numberOfSeconds = 60;
echo "Not in cache yet, we set it in cache and try to get it from cache!</br>";
echo "The value of welcome_message:" . $CachedString->get();
// The cached entry exists
echo "Already in cache!</br>";
echo "The value of welcome_message:" . $CachedString->get();
Not in cache yet, we set it in cache and try to get it from cache!
The value of welcome_message:月月写的phpFastCache测试!