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Team Meeting Summary



Hi, all. Nice discussion out there. Here’s the summary. Xin, would you put your slides today to the sharepoint? Thanks.

--  Time & Location
Nov. 15th , 20:00-20:30 @ Conf Rm BJ Sig F4 Koala(8) AV/VTC

--   Attenders
Team members of MSRA_SE_TEAM: Hao Fu, Fei Tian, Wenlin Chen, Xiulian Peng, Zihe Chen and Jinghao Shi

--  Contents

   1.   We didn’t do very well about our team blog in the past two week, which is disappointingL. We have achieved the agreement to post more original blogs or anything interesting to our team blog. Plus, we should recommend our blog to more RSS readers. You may want to do it NOW.  

    2.  We discussed what we should do in our team project. Since many people have not figured it out, we decided that everybody should think it through after the meeting and post his/her proposal in our team blog before Thursday and have a discussion in Friday.


    3.  We talked about the roles needed in a software develop team. Wenlin put a light on who they are and what their respective responsibilities are. We agreed that the one whose proposal is adopted will be the PM.


    4  Every one picked a piece of homework to do. Here is the order.
             1—Hao Fu
             2—Fei Tian
             3—Wenlin Chen
             4—Jinghao Shi
             5—Zihe Chen
             6—Xiulian Peng
Please refer to Xin’s slides about what exactly your homework is and post your blogs before the next Monday.







