A PHP extension converting Chinese characters to Pinyin.
Currently you have two ways to use php-pinyin. One depends on PHP-CPP, while another one is plain php extenstion which works with php 7.x. (For php 5.x support, please checkout the branch legacy)
Method with PHP-CPP
Main improvements:
Depend PHP-CPP, an awesome library which wrapper Zend Engine with friendly api
Support PHP 7
This time we support UTF-8 and GBK encoding
Add ini_setting (pinyin.dict_path and pinyin.dict_tone), you shoud not loadDict yourself.
Install PHP-CPP or its LEGACY Version. Before that, you need to change the Makefile,,, because PHP-CPP was written with C++11, but libpinyin was written with C++98,,, So you should build PHP-CPP with -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 option, which means "Do not use Cxx11's Application Binary Interface"
cd /path/to/php-pinyin/cpp-ext
make install
Method without PHP-CPP
This is upgraded from old php-pinyin for php 5.x.
cd /path/to/php-pinyin/ext
./configure --with-php-config=/path/to/php/bin/php-config --with-baidu-pinyin=/path/to/pinyin
make install
Here /path/to/pinyin is the directory where you copied libpinyin to.
$obj = new Pinyin();
// UTF-8
// GBK
var_dump($obj->multiConvert(array(iconv("UTF-8", "GBK", "重庆"), iconv("UTF-8", "GBK", "重量"))));
Results will be:
string(22) "chong'qing'zhong'liang"
array(1) {
[0] =>
string(65) "chong'qing'nan'jing'shi'chang'jiang'da'qiao'cai'wu'hui'yi'kuai'ji"
array(2) {
[0] =>
string(10) "chong'qing"
[1] =>
string(11) "zhong'liang"
array(1) {
[0] =>
string(29) "zhong'hua'ren'min'gong'he'guo"
If you want to get the Abbr. of the whole pinyin-string, you can simply do this:
echo preg_replace("/\'([a-zA-Z])[0-9a-zA-Z]*/e", "strtoupper('$1')", "'".$py_string);
This lib only support Chinese characters and english letters, or else it will return false. So you can write a safeConvert function to avoid this.
$p = new Pinyin();
function safeConvert($word, $pyOnly = true) {
global $p;
// UTF-8 regex for Chinese
$result = preg_match_all("/([\x{4e00}-\x{9fa5}]+)/iu", $word, $matches);
if(!$result) {
throw new \Exception("No Chinese characters in word");
$pys = $p->multiConvert($matches[1]);
if($pyOnly == true) {
return implode("'", $pys);
} else {
return str_replace($matches[1], $pys, $word);
If you want to customize dict-files yourself and then convert them to binary-format again, do it like this:
$result = $obj->generateDict("/home/work/local/pinyin/dict/dict.txt", "/home/work/tmp/dict.dat");
if($result) echo "Generate complete";
Issues and contributions are welcome.
Thank you!