Zarafa groupware,其实就是一套协同工作的系统,exchange可以做的工作,他都可以完成,尤其他可以集成LDAP,这样可以实现统一的身份认证。
Zarafa groupware,包含邮件,日历,任务。联系人的管理。这些你可以通过 web access 或者outlook来实现。
he proven Zarafa groupware solution is now also available as an opensource community version licensed under the Affero GPLv3. This version includes: Ajax based webaccess, Mobile webaccess, IMAP/POP3 gateway, iCal / Caldav gateway.
You can find the binary packages or the source code at the download page.
Zarafa is compatible with Z-push ActiveSync (licensed under AGPLv3)
If you are interested in the Zarafa Professional version with full Outlook support, extra webaccess features and many extra serverside applications you can requesta 25 user 30 day evaluation serial. See the editions table for a comparison of the different versions.
ActiveSync Server Types Supported by NotifySync
Below is a list of additional ActiveSync servers. If these systems adhere to the supported ActiveSync protocol versions (2.5, 12.0, or 12.1), NotifySync has a high probability of working as designed: