php hiphop mysql_hiphop-php 搭建 (CentOS)



Log {#日志等级

Level= None (default)| Error | Warning | Info | Verbose#使用@抑制错误是否后台日志启用错误记录



RuntimeErrorReportingLevel= 8191




MaxMessagesPerRequest= -1



File= /usr/local/hiphop/log/server.log#访问日志格式

AccessLogDefaultFormat= %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b


#Access {

# * {

# File = filename

# Format = some Apache access log format string

# }


# 管理后台日志

#AdminLog {

# File = filename

# Format = %h %t %s %U


# 是否启用 hphp_log() 来得到PHP代码的信息

ApplicationLog = true

# 将错误分组,可以保存至数据库

# Log aggregator logs one line per several errors, grouped by error's

# stacktraces. It can also save errors to a specified database.

#Aggregator = false

#Aggregator {

# File = filename

# Database = [username[:password]@]server[:port][/database]

# SleepSeconds = 10 # polling cycle for aggregation




ErrorHandling {

CallUserHandlerOnFatals = true

NoInfiniteLoopDetection = false

NoInfiniteRecursionDetection = false

MaxStackDepth = 1000

ThrowBadTypeExceptions = false

ThrowNotices = false

NoticeFrequency = 1 # 1 out of these many notices to log

WarningFrequency = 1 # 1 out of these many warnings to log

AssertActive = false

AssertWarning = false



ResourceLimit {

CoreFileSize = 0 # in bytes

MaxSocket = 0

SocketDefaultTimeout = 5 # in seconds

MaxRSS = 0

MaxRSSPollingCycle = 0 # in seconds, how often to check max memory

DropCacheCycle = 0 # in seconds, how often to drop disk cache


PidFile = /usr/local/hiphop/etc/ # 进程PID文件

# $_SERVER['name'] = value

# 服务器变量

ServerVariables {

name = value


# 环境变量

# $_ENV['name'] = value

EnvVariables {

name = value


# 服务器配置

Server {


Host =

IP =

Port = 80


ThreadCount = 50


SourceRoot = /var/www/


#IncludeSearchPaths {

# * = some path

# * = another path



RequestTimeoutSeconds = -1


RequestMemoryMaxBytes = -1

# 代码预加载,关闭

# Recommend to turn this on to avoid memory leaks and to enable warmup

# document features.

EnableMemoryManager = false

# 显示内存问题,均在调试时候开启

# Only for debugging memory problems. When turned on, server will report

# SmartAllocator's usage for each thread to stdout.

CheckMemory = false

# 多子域名

# If ServerName is not specified for a virtual host, use prefix + this

# suffix to compose one

#DefaultServerNameSuffix =

# Forcing $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] to come from request header

#ForceServerNameToHeader = false

# 启动选项

# startup options

# TakeoverFilename = filename # for port takeover between server instances

# 默认文件

DefaultDocument = index.php

# 启动文件

#StartupDocument = filename

#WarmupDocument = filename

# 程序启动调用一个函数

#RequestInitFunction = function_name

#ThreadDocuments {

# * = somedoc.php

# * = another.php


# 文件未找到处理文件

ErrorDocument404 = 404.php


FatalErrorMessage = some string


# shutdown options

GracefulShutdownWait = 0 # in seconds

HarshShutdown = true

EvilShutdown = true

DanglingWait = 0


AdminServer {

Port = 8088

ThreadCount = 1

Password = 123456



StaticFile {

Extensions {

bmp = image/bmp


Generators {

* = static_resource.php


