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IDA Pro microcode API



The intermediate language is called microcode.   微码是一种中间语言。

each processor instruction is represented by several microinstructions in the microcode. 

The decompiler performs a very straightforward sequence of steps: 

1. Generate microcode   1.生成微码
2. Transform microcode (optimize, resolve memrefs, analyze calls, etc)  2.转换微码
3. Allocate local variables  3.分配局部变量
4. Generate ctree (it is very similar to AST that is used in compilers) 4.生成ctree(
5. Beautify ctree, make it more readable  5.美化ctree,使其更具可读性
6. Print ctree 6.打印ctree


Before we delve into details, let us justify the use of microcode. Why do we need an intermediate 
language when building a decompiler? Below are the reasons: 

• It helps to get rid of the complexity of processor instructions    它有助于摆脱复杂的处理器指令
• Also we get rid of processor idiosyncrasies.  同时也使我们摆脱了处理器特性

Below are examples, they all require special handling 
one way or another:
• x86: segment registers, fpu stack 
• ARM: thumb mode addresses 
• PowerPC: multiple copies of CF register (and other condition registers) 
• MIPS: delay slots 
• Sparc: stack windows 
• It makes the decompiler portable. We "just" need to replace the microcode generator.


I'm using quotes here because writing a microcode generator is still a complex task. 

just 加上双引号的原因:写一个微码生成器也是一项艰巨的任务。



Design goals
The main design goal for the microcode was simplicity: 
• No processor specific stuff 
• One microinstruction does one thing 
• Small number of instructions (only 45 in 1999, now 72) 
• Simple instruction operands (register, number, memory) 
• Consider only compiler generated code 




        004014FB mov eax, [ebx+4]
        004014FE mov dl, [eax+1]
        00401501 sub dl, 61h ; 'a'
        00401504 jz  short loc_401517


2. 0 mov    ebx.4, eoff.4           ; 4014FB u=ebx.4      d=eoff.4
2. 1 mov    ds.2, seg.2             ; 4014FB u=ds.2       d=seg.2
2. 2 add    eoff.4, #4.4, eoff.4    ; 4014FB u=eoff.4     d=eoff.4
2. 3 ldx    seg.2, eoff.4, et1.4    ; 4014FB u=eoff.4,seg.2,(STACK,GLBMEM) d=et1.4
2. 4 mov    et1.4, eax.4            ; 4014FB u=et1.4      d=eax.4
2. 5 mov    eax.4, eoff.4           ; 4014FE u=eax.4      d=eoff.4
2. 6 mov    ds.2, seg.2             ; 4014FE u=ds.2       d=seg.2
2. 7 add    eoff.4, #1.4, eoff.4    ; 4014FE u=eoff.4     d=eoff.4
2. 8 ldx    seg.2, eoff.4, t1.1     ; 4014FE u=eoff.4,seg.2,(STACK,GLBMEM) d=t1.1
2. 9 mov    t1.1, dl.1              ; 4014FE u=t1.1       d=dl.1
2.10 mov    #0x61.1, t1.1           ; 401501 u=           d=t1.1
2.11 setb   dl.1, t1.1, cf.1        ; 401501 u=dl.1,t1.1  d=cf.1
2.12 seto   dl.1, t1.1, of.1        ; 401501 u=dl.1,t1.1  d=of.1
2.13 sub    dl.1, t1.1, dl.1        ; 401501 u=dl.1,t1.1  d=dl.1
2.14 setz   dl.1, #0.1, zf.1        ; 401501 u=dl.1       d=zf.1
2.15 setp   dl.1, #0.1, pf.1        ; 401501 u=dl.1       d=pf.1
2.16 sets   dl.1, sf.1              ; 401501 u=dl.1       d=sf.1
2.17 mov    cs.2, seg.2             ; 401504 u=cs.2       d=seg.2
2.18 mov    #0x401517.4, eoff.4     ; 401504 u=           d=eoff.4
2.19 jcnd   zf.1, $loc_401517       ; 401504 u=zf.1

The 4 processor instructions got translated into 20 microinstructions. Each microinstruction does just one 

This approach simplifies analyzing and optimizing microcode.

However, microcode can represent more complex expressions. Let us see how it looks after the pre-optimization pass: 

4条处理器指令被翻译成20个微指令。 每个微指令只做一个事情。


但是,微代码可以代表更复杂的表达。 让我们看看看看预优化之后的结果:

2. 0 ldx    ds.2, (ebx.4+#4.4), eax.4 ; 4014FB u=ebx.4,ds.2,
                                      ;(STACK,GLBMEM) d=eax.4
2. 1 ldx    ds.2, (eax.4+#1.4), dl.1 ; 4014FE u=eax.4,ds.2,
                                      ;(STACK,GLBMEM) d=dl.1
2. 2 setb   dl.1, #0x61.1, cf.1     ; 401501 u=dl.1       d=cf.1
2. 3 seto   dl.1, #0x61.1, of.1     ; 401501 u=dl.1       d=of.1
2. 4 sub    dl.1, #0x61.1, dl.1     ; 401501 u=dl.1       d=dl.1
2. 5 setz   dl.1, #0.1, zf.1        ; 401501 u=dl.1       d=zf.1
2. 6 setp   dl.1, #0.1, pf.1        ; 401501 u=dl.1       d=pf.1
2. 7 sets   dl.1, sf.1              ; 401501 u=dl.1       d=sf.1
2. 8 jcnd   zf.1, $loc_401517       ; 401504 u=zf.1

As we see, only 9 microinstructions remain; some intermediate registers disappeared. Sub-instructions 
(like eax.4+#1.4) appeared. Overall the code is still too noisy and verbose.

如我们所见,只剩下9个微指令; 一些中间寄存器消失了。子指令(如eax.4 +#1.4)出现了。 整体而言,代码仍然过于嘈杂和冗长。
After further microcode transformations we have: 进一步优化之后

2. 1 ldx    ds.2{3}, ([ds.2{3}:(ebx.4+#4.4)].4+#1.4), dl.1{5} ; 4014FE
                        ; u=ebx.4,ds.2,(GLBLOW,sp+20..,GLBHIGH) d=dl.1
2. 2 sub    dl.1{5}, #0x61.1, dl.1{6} ; 401501 u=dl.1       d=dl.1
2. 3 jz     dl.1{6}, #0.1, @7       ; 401504 u=dl.1

(numbers in curly braces are value numbers) 
The final microcode is:最终结果 

  jz [ds.2:([ds.2:(ebx.4+#4.4)].4+#1.4)].1, #0x61.1, @7

I would not call this code "very simple" but it is ready to be translated to ctree. It maps to C in a natural 
way. The output will look like this: 

我不会将此代码称为“非常简单”,但它已准备好转换为ctree。 它以自然形式映射到C.
办法。 输出将如下所示:
        if ( argv[1][1] == 'a' )


5.Microcode hooks

I'm happy to tell you that it is possible to write plugins for the decompiler. Plugins can invoke the 
decompiler engine and use the results, or improve the decompiler output. It is also possible to use the 
microcode to find the possible register values at any given point, compare blocks of code, etc. 
It is possible to hook to the optimization engine and add your own transformation rules. Please check the 
Decompiler SDK: it has many examples. 


IDA 7.2 只有C++ 插件才支持微指令。

IDA 7.3 支持python 写微指令处理块。














