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openh264 for android,openh264的使用(1)



ISVCEncoder* encoder_;

int rv = WelsCreateSVCEncoder(&encoder_);

if (0 != rv || !encoder_) {




2. 设置相关参数

openh264提供了两个结构体来设置编码参数,SEncParamBase与SEncParamExt, SEncParamBase仅通过了最基础的参数设置, 其定义如下:

typedef struct TagEncParamBase {


iUsageType; ///< application type;1.CAMERA_VIDEO_REAL_TIME:camera video signal; 2.SCREEN_CONTENT_REAL_TIME:screen content signal;

int iPicWidth; ///< width of picture in luminance samples (the maximum of all layers if multiple spatial layers presents)

int iPicHeight; ///< height of picture in luminance samples((the maximum of all layers if multiple spatial layers presents)

int iTargetBitrate; ///< target bitrate desired, in unit of bps

RC_MODES iRCMode; ///< rate control mode

float fMaxFrameRate; ///< maximal input frame rate

} SEncParamBase, *PEncParamBase;


typedef enum {

CAMERA_VIDEO_REAL_TIME, ///< camera video for real-time communication

SCREEN_CONTENT_REAL_TIME, ///< screen content signal


} EUsageType;

iRCMode指定码率控制的模式, openh264提供的模式如下:

typedef enum {

RC_QUALITY_MODE = 0, ///< quality mode

RC_BITRATE_MODE = 1, ///< bitrate mode

RC_BUFFERBASED_MODE = 2, ///< no bitrate control,only using buffer status,adjust the video quality

RC_TIMESTAMP_MODE = 3, //rate control based timestamp

RC_BITRATE_MODE_POST_SKIP = 4, ///< this is in-building RC MODE, WILL BE DELETED after algorithm tuning!

RC_OFF_MODE = -1, ///< rate control off mode



SEncParamBase paramBase;

paramBase.iPicWidth = width_;

paramBase.iPicHeight = height_;

paramBase.fMaxFrameRate = fps_;

paramBase.iTargetBitrate = 10 * width_ * height_;

paramBase.iUsageType = CAMERA_VIDEO_REAL_TIME;

paramBase.iRCMode = RC_BITRATE_MODE;

int ret = encoder_->Initialize(&paramBase);

if (0 != ret) {



3. 编码

编码需要用到SSourcePicture和SFrameBSInfo两个结构体, SSourcePicture用来保存需要编码的数据信息, 而SFrameBSInfo会保存编码完成后的数据。


typedef struct Source_Picture_s {

int iColorFormat; ///< color space type

int iStride[4]; ///< stride for each plane pData

unsigned char* pData[4]; ///< plane pData

int iPicWidth; ///< luma picture width in x coordinate

int iPicHeight; ///< luma picture height in y coordinate

long long uiTimeStamp; ///< timestamp of the source picture, unit: millisecond

} SSourcePicture;


iStride, 每个plane的stride,对于plane和stride的理解可参考yuv 图像里的stride和plane的解释。



typedef struct {

int iLayerNum;


EVideoFrameType eFrameType;

int iFrameSizeInBytes;

long long uiTimeStamp;

} SFrameBSInfo, *PFrameBSInfo;

typedef struct {

unsigned char uiTemporalId;

unsigned char uiSpatialId;

unsigned char uiQualityId;

EVideoFrameType eFrameType;

unsigned char uiLayerType;


* The sub sequence layers are ordered hierarchically based on their dependency on each other so that any picture in a layer shall not be

* predicted from any picture on any higher layer.


int iSubSeqId; ///< refer to D.2.11 Sub-sequence information SEI message semantics

int iNalCount; ///< count number of NAL coded already

int* pNalLengthInByte; ///< length of NAL size in byte from 0 to iNalCount-1

unsigned char* pBsBuf; ///< buffer of bitstream contained

} SLayerBSInfo, *PLayerBSInfo;

SFrameBSInfo结构体比较复杂, 具体使用情况下面再解释。


SSourcePicture pic;

memset(&pic, 0, sizeof(pic));

pic.iPicWidth = width_;

pic.iPicHeight = height_;

pic.iColorFormat = videoFormatI420;

pic.iStride[0] = pic.iPicWidth;

pic.iStride[1] = pic.iStride[2] = pic.iPicWidth >> 1;

pic.pData[0] = (unsigned char *) i420Buffer;

pic.pData[1] = pic.pData[0] + width_ * height_;

pic.pData[2] = pic.pData[1] + (width_ * height_ >> 2);

SFrameBSInfo info;

memset(&info, 0, sizeof(SFrameBSInfo));

int rv = encoder_->EncodeFrame(&pic, &info);

int retSize = 0;

if (rv != cmResultSuccess) {

//error info

return retSize;


if (info.eFrameType != videoFrameTypeSkip) {

int type = info.eFrameType;

for (int i = 0; i < info.iLayerNum; ++i) {

const SLayerBSInfo &layerInfo = info.sLayerInfo[i];

int layerSize = 0;

for (int j = 0; j < layerInfo.iNalCount; ++j) {

layerSize += layerInfo.pNalLengthInByte[j];


memcpy((char *) (oBuf + retSize), (char *) layerInfo.pBsBuf, layerSize);

retSize += layerSize;




定义SSourcePicture和SFrameBSInfo, 并给SSourcePicture赋值;



判断帧类型,如果不是跳帧, 则读取编码后数据;


4. 释放

