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cygwin git mysql_msysgit和Cygwin git之间的区别?



We now have a light-weight Git for Windows SDK – which is essentially a standard MinGW/MSys system managed through the package manager mingw-get.

We decided to just phase out the name “msysGit” (as well as the 07002) and:

work on 07003 (with the 07004,

using the name “Git for Windows” for the installer aimed at “end-users” and

using the name “Git for Windows SDK” for the development environment targeting Git for Windows developers).


Msysgit在这里留下来,除非你需要add a few hundreds of MB for cygwin,你真的不需要Cygwin只是在Windows上使用Git。

如果你想访问GitHub,你得到一个包(“Git for Windows”ssh keys在你的GitHub帐户注册一个好的GUI)与GitHub for windows。

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“Git for Windows”:纯用户Git | “MsysGit”:为测试人员,开发人员,自定义安装程序维护者

What is this “MSys” thing in “MSysGit”?

MSys is an environment for Windows offering a Unix-type shell and a Perl interpreter. Because many parts of Git are still not builtins programmed in C, but instead shell and Perl scripts, Git for Windows needs such an environment.

Therefore we ship Git for Windows with a very minimal version of MSys.

MSys is also required to build Git, as we re-use the same Unix-type setup upstream Git uses. We ship a more complete MSys environment, including GCC, as build environment (which is therefore nick-named ”msysGit”).

We compile Git as a pure 070011 program, though, i.e. a program without any link-dependencies on anything but standard Windows libraries.

So unless you need to use any parts of Git that are still implemented only as shell or Perl scripts, you can get away with running plain git.exe.


a /你可以调整大小和复制粘贴在Git bash,就像在任何其他Windows Shell。

b /你可能使用“Git for windows”,而不是msysgit。从the wiki:

msysGit is the development environment to compile Git for Windows. It is complete, in the sense that you just need to install msysGit, and then you can build Git. Without installing any 3rd-party software.

Git for Windows is an installer which installs Git — and only Git.

It is easy to see the difference:

the installers for Git have the prefix Git-,

the msysGit installers have the prefix msysGit-.

Another telltale is that the msysGit installers come in two flavors: fullinstall and netinstall.

Further, msysGit does not install to C:\Program Files by default.

But msysGit comes with gcc, the GNU C Compiler.


MinGW is really a very thin compile-time layer over the Microsoft Runtime; MinGW programs are therefore real Windows programs, with no concept of Unix-style paths or POSIX niceties such as a fork() call.

MSys, in contrast, is a slimmed-down version of Cygwin (an old version at that), whose only purpose is to provide enough of a POSIX layer to run a bash.

When working on Windows, I dislike that msysGit, as the name suggests, depends on MSYS and on tools from the Unix world. I believe all programs in the Git distribution should become binaries compiled for a specific platform, and not rely on shell interpreters or third-party languages like Tcl/Tk.

即使,它远远比2007年的第一次Git on Cygwin安装。
