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Ubuntu 16.04 关于Openvswitch OVSBridge,OVSPort等的网卡配置说明


Ubuntu 16.04  可以在/etc/network/interfaces 配置文件中配置OVS  Bridge  ,OVS port等设备。规则如下:


allow-ovs br0

allow-br0 eth0



- ovs_type: This can either be OVSBridge, OVSPort, OVSIntPort, OVSBond,
      OVSPatchPort or OVSTunnel depending on whether you configure a bridge,
      port, an internal port, a bond, a patch port or a tunnel. This is a
      required option.

    - ovs_ports: This option specifies all the ports that belong to a bridge.

    - ovs_bridge: This options specifies a bridge to which a port belongs.
      This is a required option for a port.

    - ovs_bonds: This option specifies the list of physical interfaces to be
      bonded together.

    - ovs_patch_peer: For "OVSPatchPort" interfaces, this field specifies
      the patch's peer on the other bridge.

    - ovs_tun