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能否翻译一下下面这段出自于《c++ concurrency in action》中关于C++内存模型的描述?

The basic idea is this: a suitably tagged atomic write operation W on a variable x syn-chronizes-with a suitably tagged atomic read operation on x that reads the value stored by either that write ( W ), or a subsequent atomic write operation on x by the same thread that performed the initial write W , or a sequence of atomic read-modify-write operations on x (such as fetch_add() or compare_exchange_weak() ) by any thread, where the value read by the first thread in the sequence is the value written by W(see section 5.3.4).

Back in section 5.3.1, I mentioned that you could get a synchronizes-with relationship between a store to an atomic variable and a load of that atomic variable from another thread, even when there’s a sequence of read-modify-write operations between the store and the load, provided all the operations are suitably tagged. Now that I’ve covered the possible memory-ordering “tags,” I can elaborate on this. If the store istagged with memory_order_release, memory_order_acq_rel, or memory_order_seq_cst, and the load is tagged with memory_order_consume, memory_order_acquire,or memory_order_seq_cst, and each operation in the chain loads the value written by the previous operation, then the chain of operations constitutes a release sequence and the initial store synchronizes-with (for memory_order_acquire or memory_order_seq_cst) or is dependency-ordered-before (for memory_order_consume) the final load. Any atomic read-modify-write operations in the chain can have any memory ordering (even memory_order_relaxed).



section5.3.1解释的是synchronizes-with这个概念,我的理解就是解释两个CPU操作(单线程内或者多线程内)在什么情况下算是“同步”的。首先要知道程序在编译、执行过程中可能发生reorde——即指令重排。CPU实际的指令执行顺序称为“memory ordering”。在memory ordering中,有相邻的两个操作write x/read x(当然,中间也可以有对其他变量的操作),那么,read到的x一定是write到的值,这就是“同步”。你要问,这不是很显然的吗?请搜索“CPU高速缓存一致性”的相关介绍,简单来说,如果没有CPU缓存一致性,上述两个操作就可能得不到正确的结果。内存模型均以CPU缓存一致性模型为基础,所以在介绍C++内存模型之前,作者先简要介绍了一下CPU操作的同步这个概念。

大致翻译:无论在何种指令重排模式(强一致性、弱一致性)下,程序中(programming order)对x变量的write或者后续对x的写或者其他线程对x的写,或者把写改成RMW,在实际的CPU执行顺序中(memory order)对x的读到的值就是刚刚对x的写入的值。




内存模型还是《Java Concurrency in Practice》讲得比较易懂。

建议读C++ Concurrency in Action第五章。作者是线程库的提议者和实现者。但是这个深度未必能达到你的期望,因为这些非序列一致的内存序都是为专家准备的,一般不会深入讲解。
