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从Unity 2018.1开始用Visual Studio Community替换MonoDevelop-Unity


Starting from Unity 2018.1 we will be shipping Visual Studio for Mac instead of MonoDevelop-Unity on macOS. On Windows will continue to ship Visual Studio 2017 Community and no longer ship MonoDevelop-Unity.

从Unity 2018.1开始,我们将在Mac OS上发行Visual Studio for Mac,而不是MonoDevelop-Unity。 在Windows上将继续发布Visual Studio 2017社区,而不再发布MonoDevelop-Unity。

With the (currently experimental) .NET 4.6 scripting runtime upgrade in Unity we are moving towards supporting many of the new exciting C# features available in C# 6.0 and beyond. It’s very important for us at Unity that we also provide a great C# IDE experience to accompany the new C# features.

通过Unity中(当前处于试验阶段).NET 4.6脚本运行时升级,我们正朝着支持C#6.0及更高版本中许多令人兴奋的C#新功能迈进。 对于Unity团队来说,非常重要的是,我们还提供了出色的C#IDE体验,以配合新的C#功能。

On Windows, we ship Visual Studio 2017 Community with Unity and it already supports the latest C# features and C# debugging on the new .NET 4.6 scripting runtime. MonoDevelop-Unity 5.9.6 will be removed from the Unity 2018.1 Windows installer, as it does not support these features.

在Windows上,我们附带了带有Unity的Visual Studio 2017社区,并且已经在新的.NET 4.6脚本运行时上支持最新的C#功能和C#调试。 MonoDevelop-Unity 5.9.6将从Unity 2018.1 Windows安装程序中删除,因为它不支持这些功能。

To support the latest C# features and C# debugging on the new .NET 4.6 scripting runtime on macOS, we are replacing MonoDevelop-Unity 5.9.6 with Visual Studio for Mac.

为了在macOS上的新.NET 4.6脚本运行时上支持最新的C#功能和C#调试,我们将Visual Studio for Mac替换了MonoDevelop-Unity 5.9.6。

To summarize, we are making the following changes.


  1. Including Visual Studio for Mac as the only C# IDE on macOS in Unity 2018.1.

    在Unity 2018.1中包括Visual Studio for Mac作为macOS上唯一的C#IDE。

    On Windows we will continue to include


    Visual Studio 2017 Community and no longer include MonoDevelop-Unity as an alternative.

    Visual Studio 2017社区 ,不再包含MonoDevelop-Unity作为替代方案。

Visual Studio for Mac already includes Unity integration out of the box and has since Unity 5.6.1, supporting both the latest C# features and debugging of C# scripts on the .NET 4.6 scripting runtime.

自Studio 5.6.1起,Visual Studio for Mac已包含现成的Unity集成,支持最新的C#功能和.NET 4.6脚本运行时上的C#脚本调试。

MonoDevelop-Unity users on macOS can download and install Visual Studio for Mac and start using it today.

macOS上的MonoDevelop-Unity用户可以下载并安装 Visual Studio for Mac并立即开始使用。

C#IDE替代 (C# IDE Alternatives)

Besides Visual Studio for Mac and Visual Studio 2017 Community, there are now a few other C# IDE alternatives available.

除了适用于Mac的Visual Studio和Visual Studio 2017社区,现在还有其他一些C#IDE替代产品可用。

Visual Studio代码 (Windows,macOS,Linux) (Visual Studio Code (Windows, macOS, Linux))

Unity supports opening scripts in Visual Studio Code when selected as an external script editor in the preferences. See Unity Development with VS Code for details. The following also have to be installed for C# code editing and Unity C# debugging support.

在首选项中被选作外部脚本编辑器时,Unity支持在Visual Studio Code中打开脚本。 有关 详细信息, 请参见 使用VS Code开发Unity 。 为了C#代码编辑和Unity C#调试支持,还必须安装以下内容。

JetBrains骑士 (Windows,macOS,Linux) (JetBrains Rider (Windows, macOS, Linux))

Unity supports opening scripts in JetBrains Rider when selected as an external script editor in the preferences.

在首选项中被选作外部脚本编辑器时,Unity支持在JetBrains Rider中打开脚本。

Rider is built-in on top of ReSharper and includes most of its features. It also supports all the latest C# 6.0 features as well C# debugging on the .NET 4.6 scripting runtime in Unity. See Rider. Cross-platform IDE for Unity for details.

Rider内置于ReSharper之上,并包含其大多数功能。 它还支持所有最新的C#6.0功能以及Unity中.NET 4.6脚本运行时上的C#调试。 参见 骑手。 有关Unity的跨平台IDE ,请参见。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/01/05/discontinuing-support-for-monodevelop-unity-starting-in-unity-2018-1/
