github 黑客 资料_freeCodeCamp在旧金山的GitHub上托管了一个免费的黑客马拉松(还有在线黑客马拉松)...


github 黑客 资料

by Quincy Larson

昆西·拉尔森(Quincy Larson)

freeCodeCamp在旧金山的GitHub上托管了一个免费的黑客马拉松(还有在线黑客马拉松) (freeCodeCamp is hosting a free hackathon at GitHub in San Francisco (and an online hackathon, too))

NOTE: Tickets are now sold out and registration is closed. If you applied for a ticket by November 1, check your email inbox and you should have an email from Quincy Larson that links to your ticket.

注意:现在门票已售罄,并且注册已关闭。 如果您是在11月1日之前申请机票的,请检查您的电子邮件收件箱,并且应该有一封来自Quincy Larson的电子邮件,该电子邮件链接到您的机票。

On November 3, hundreds of people will converge on downtown San Francisco to compete in the 2018 freeCodeCamp JAMstack Hackathon.

11月3日,数百人将聚集在旧金山市中心,参​​加2018年的freeCodeCamp JAMstack Hackathon。

You should come, too!


And don’t worry if you can’t make it to San Francisco — we’ll have an online version of the hackathon with its own set of prizes.


And yes — the hackathon is completely free.


freeCodeCamp is hosting the event in partnership with Netlify, as a part of JAMstack_conf 2018. If you want to attend the conference as well, you can use the discount code “freecodecamp100” for $100 off your ticket.

freeCodeCamp与Netlify合作举办了该活动,作为JAMstack_conf 2018的一部分。 如果您也想参加会议,可以使用折扣码“ freecodecamp100”,减价100美元。

什么是黑客马拉松? (What is a hackathon?)

A hackathon is an event where people join teams and code together, then show off the projects they’ve built. They usually only last one or two days, and often involve judging and prizes.

黑客马拉松是人们加入团队并一起编写代码,然后炫耀他们构建的项目的活动。 他们通常只持续一两天,并且经常涉及评审和奖品。

什么是JAMstack? (What is the JAMstack?)

The JAMstack is a simple way of building web apps. JAM stands for JavaScript, APIs, and Markup (HTML and CSS).

JAMstack是构建Web应用程序的一种简单方法。 JAM代表JavaScript,API和标记(HTML和CSS)。

If you’ve built some of the projects in the freeCodeCamp curriculum, you’ve already been using the JAMstack.


The main difference between the JAMstack and other web development stacks like LAMP and MEAN is this: instead of using a web server back end, you use APIs.


这是我的活动吗? (Is this event for me?)

If you want to make friends, build a project, and get in two solid days of coding practice, then yes — it’s for you.


We welcome people of all skill levels — even people who have just started coding a few months ago. If you haven’t been to a hackathon before, this would make a great first hackathon for you.

我们欢迎各种技能的人,甚至几个月前才开始编码的人。 如果您以前从未参加过黑客马拉松,那么这对您来说将是一次很棒的第一次黑客马拉松。

And there will be food. Lots of food.

而且会有食物。 许多食物。

旧金山市中心的大型活动如何完全免费? (How can a big event like this in downtown San Francisco be completely free?)

Most hackathons have API sponsors who want to raise awareness of their APIs among developers. Many of these API sponsors will also have their own prizes for teams who make the best use of their APIs. They may also have developers at the event who can answer your questions about their API, and help you integrate it into your web app.

大多数黑客马拉松都有API赞助商,他们希望在开发人员中提高对其API的认识。 对于充分利用API的团队,许多API赞助商也将获得自己的奖项。 他们可能还会有活动中的开发人员,他们可以回答您有关其API的问题,并帮助您将其集成到Web应用程序中。

我公司的API很不错。 我们可以赞助吗? (My company has a sweet API. Can we sponsor?)

Of course! Send sponsorship inquiries to

当然! 将赞助查询发送至

网上黑客马拉松怎么样? (What about the Online hackathon?)

Traveling to San Francisco can be expensive, and it can be a pain to get a US visa. So we’re also hosting an online version of the 2018 freeCodeCamp JAMstack Hackathon. It will take place during the same days.

前往旧金山可能会很昂贵,而且要获得美国签证可能很痛苦。 因此,我们还将托管2018 freeCodeCamp JAMstack Hackathon的在线版本。 它将在同一天进行。

Online hackathon teams will compete for their own set of prizes. They can interact with the judges, mentors, and other hackathon teams through our chat room and our live stream of the event on the freeCodeCamp YouTube channel.

在线黑客马拉松团队将争夺自己的奖品。 他们可以通过我们的聊天室和我们在freeCodeCamp YouTube频道直播活动与裁判,指导者和其他黑客马拉松团队进行互动

旧金山黑客马拉松怎么样? (What about the San Francisco hackathon?)

We’ll start at 9 on Saturday morning on November 3 at GitHub’s San Francisco headquarters (88 Colin P Kelly Jr Street). We’ll code until 9 at night, then go home and get some sleep. Then we’ll start again at 9 on Sunday morning, and finish up by 9 on Sunday night.

我们将从11月3日(星期六)上午9点在GitHub的旧金山总部(88 Colin P Kelly Jr Street)开始。 我们将编码到晚上9点,然后回家睡觉。 然后,我们将在周日上午9点再次开始,并在周日晚上9点结束。

All you need to participate is a laptop and a ticket.


如何获得免费门票 (How to get a free ticket)

We want everyone to be ready to code as soon as the event starts. So in order to get a ticket for either the in-person or online hackathons, you need to take a few minutes to make sure your laptop is all set up right.

我们希望每个人在活动开始时都准备好进行编码。 因此,为了获得入场券或在线黑客马拉松的入场券,您需要花费几分钟的时间来确保笔记本电脑的安装正确无误。

The following tutorial will walk you through installing Git and Node.js, and deploying a “hello world” JAMstack app to the web.

以下教程将引导您完成安装Git和Node.js,以及将“ hello world” JAMstack应用程序部署到Web的过程。

This process is completely free and you don’t need a credit card or anything. Over the next few minutes, you’ll install a few tools on your laptop and create an account on GitHub and Netlify.

此过程是完全免费的,您不需要信用卡或其他任何东西。 在接下来的几分钟内,您将在笔记本电脑上安装一些工具,并在GitHub和Netlify上创建一个帐户。

You can skip any steps that you’ve already done, but you will need to have a “hello world” app live on Netlify in order to apply for a free ticket.

您可以跳过已经完成的任何步骤,但是需要在Netlify上运行“ hello world”应用程序才能申请免费票。

Once you’ve finished this tutorial, you can submit your “hello world” app’s URL to apply for a free ticket.

完成本教程后,您可以提交“ hello world”应用程序的URL来申请免费票证。

We have a limited number of tickets and we expect the event to be full, so I recommend applying as soon as you can.


如何启动您的第一个JAMstack Web应用程序 (How to get your first JAMstack web app live)

This tutorial will work on Mac, Linux, and Windows.


If you are using Windows, I recommend using Windows’ new Linux Bash Shell.

如果您使用的是Windows,建议您使用Windows的新Linux Bash Shell

Note: when configuring all of these things on your computer, you may encounter issues related to your operating system. If you get stuck, read through this forum thread and if you are still stuck, ask for help by replying to the thread.

注意:在计算机上配置所有这些内容时,可能会遇到与操作系统有关的问题。 如果您被卡住,请通读此论坛主题 ,如果仍然被卡住,请回复该主题以寻求帮助。

步骤1:安装Git (Step #1: Install Git)

Git is a powerful version control tool that most major open source projects, including freeCodeCamp, use for collaborating on software.


You can download and install Git here.


步骤#2:安装npm,Node的程序包管理器 (Step #2: Install npm, Node’s package manager)

You can download and install npm here.


步骤3:安装VS Code,Microsoft的开源代码编辑器 (Step #3: Install VS Code, Microsoft’s open source code editor)

You can download and install VS Code here. You can use any code editor you want, but this is a popular free one.

您可以在此处下载并安装VS Code 。 您可以使用任何所需的代码编辑器,但这是一种流行的免费工具。

步骤#4:安装Gatsby.js (Step #4: Install Gatsby.js)

Open your terminal (which may be called a shell in your operating system) and type the following command:


sudo npm install --global gatsby-cli

You’ll need to enter your system password, which should be the same password you use to unlock your computer from sleep mode.


步骤#5:使用Gatsby创建您的JAMstack“ hello world”应用 (Step #5: Create your JAMstack “hello world” app using Gatsby)

Run the following command:


gatsby new gatsby-site

步骤#6:转到应用程序的目录,然后在计算机上本地运行 (Step #6: Change to your app’s directory and run it locally on your computer)

Run the following command:


cd gatsby-site && gatsby develop

Now open a new tab in your browser. Type localhost:8000 into your browser’s address bar. You should see something like this:

现在,在浏览器中打开一个新标签。 在浏览器的地址栏中输入localhost:8000。 您应该会看到以下内容:

步骤7:自订专案的程式码 (Step 7: Customize your project’s code)

Open your project in VS Code or whatever code editor you prefer.

在VS Code或您喜欢的任何代码编辑器中打开项目。

Navigate to the index.js page and customize its HTML.


步骤#8:将您的代码提交给Git (Step #8: Commit your code to Git)

Make sure you’re in your project’s directory in your terminal and type the following command to initialize a Git repository:


git init

Then stage all of the files that Gatsby created in Step #5 by running this command:


git add .

And finally, commit those files to Git with the commit message “first commit”:


git commit --message "first commit"

步骤#9:创建GitHub帐户 (Step #9: Create a GitHub account)

You can create a free GitHub account in just a few minutes here. (Choose the “Unlimited public repositories” option).

您可以在这里几分钟内创建一个免费的GitHub帐户 。 (选择“无限公共存储库”选项)。

Check your email inbox so you can verify your GitHub account.


步骤#10:将SSH密钥添加到GitHub。 (Step #10: Add your SSH keys to GitHub.)

SSH keys are a way you can securely access your GitHub account from your terminal without the need for authenticating using a username and password.


Run this command in your terminal to generate SSH keys:



The terminal will prompt you to choose a file location. Just press enter to accept the default file location. If the terminal tells you that you have already generated an SSH key in the past, press “n” so you don’t overwrite your existing key.

终端将提示您选择文件位置。 只需按Enter即可接受默认文件位置。 如果终端告知您过去已经生成了SSH密钥,请按“ n”,这样就不会覆盖现有密钥。

Then run this command to copy your computer’s public SSH key to your clipboard:


pbcopy < ~/.ssh/

Then click here to go to the SSH key settings page in GitHub and paste it in.


步骤#11:在GitHub上创建存储库 (Step #11: Create a repository on GitHub)

Follow this link to create a GitHub repository. You can name it whatever you want, and the description doesn’t matter for our purposes. As long as you make this public, it’s completely free.

单击此链接创建GitHub存储库 。 您可以随意命名,其描述与我们的目的无关。 只要您将此公开,它是完全免费的。

第12步:将GitHub存储库设置为本地Git项目的来源,然后将代码推送到GitHub (Step 12: Set your GitHub repository as your local Git project’s origin and push your code to GitHub)

Once you’ve completed Step #10, GitHub should send you to a page that looks like this, which has an option to push an existing repository from the command line.


You can click the clipboard button to copy the commands to your clipboard. Then go back to your terminal and make sure you’re still in your project’s directory. Then paste those commands into your terminal.

您可以单击剪贴板按钮将命令复制到剪贴板。 然后返回到终端,并确保您仍在项目目录中。 然后将这些命令粘贴到您的终端中。

步骤13:创建一个Netlify帐户 (Step 13: Create a Netlify account)

Follow this link to go to Netlify’s signup page. Then sign in using the GitHub account you just created.

单击此链接转到Netlify的注册页面 。 然后使用您刚创建的GitHub帐户登录。

步骤14:从您的GitHub存储库创建一个Netlify应用程序 (Step 14: Create a Netlify app from your GitHub repository)

Now go here and choose GitHub as your Git provider.

现在去这里 ,选择GitHub作为您的Git提供者。

You should now see the GitHub repository you created a few minutes ago, and be able select it.


Netlify’s default configuration should be fine. So you can just scroll down and click the “deploy site” button.

Netlify的默认配置应该可以。 因此,您可以向下滚动并单击“部署站点”按钮。

第15步:等待您的Web应用程序生成,然后在Internet上访问它并记下其公共URL。 (Step 15: Wait for your web app to build, then visit it on the internet and make a note of its public URL.)

You can click the automatically-generated Netlify URL to view your project live on the web.

您可以单击自动生成的Netlify URL,以在线查看您的项目。

恭喜你! 您的第一个JAMstack Web应用程序现已在互联网上发布! (Congratulations! Your first JAMstack web app is now live on the internet!)

You now have all the components you need to start expanding and developing your JAMstack web app. You can open up your codebase in VS Code, make edits, commit those edits to Git, then push them to GitHub. Netlify can automatically build and deploy your app to the web.

现在,您具有开始扩展和开发JAMstack Web应用程序所需的所有组件。 您可以在VS Code中打开代码库,进行编辑,将这些编辑提交到Git,然后将其推送到GitHub。 Netlify可以自动构建您的应用程序并将其部署到Web。

But for now, you are all set to apply for your free 2018 freeCodeCamp JAMstack Hackathon ticket!

但是现在,您已经准备好申请免费的2018 freeCodeCamp JAMstack Hackathon门票

Make sure you have the URL for the GitHub repository you just created, and the URL for your live JAMstack web app you just created (the Netlify project URL). Then fill out this quick form to apply for a free ticket.

确保您具有刚创建的GitHub存储库的URL,以及刚创建的实时JAMstack Web应用程序的URL(Netlify项目URL)。 然后填写此快速表格以申请免费票

Be sure to follow freeCodeCamp on Twitter — we’ll post updates there as well. Looking forward to seeing you at the 2018 freeCodeCamp JAMstack Hackathon!

请确保在Twitter上关注freeCodeCamp-我们还将在此发布更新。 期待与您在2018 freeCodeCamp JAMstack Hackathon见!


github 黑客 资料
