这个程序出自《Assembly Language step by step programming with linux》第11章,首先需要先介绍几条指令:
jcxz label,当cx寄存器等于0时,跳转。
jecxz label,当ecx寄存器等于0时,跳转。
loopnz label,ecx=ecx-1,当ecx寄存器不等于0时并且ZF标志位未被设置时跳转,如果ecx寄存器等于0,或者ZF标志位已经被设置,就结束循环了。
loopne label,与loopnz相同。
SECTION .data ; Section containing initialised data
EOL equ 10 ; Linux end-of-line character
FILLCHR equ 32 ; Default to ASCII space character
CHRTROW equ 2 ; Chart begins 2 lines from top
CHRTLEN equ 32 ; Each chart line shows 32 chars
; This escape sequence will clear the console terminal and place the
; text cursor to the origin (1,1) on virtually all Linux consoles:
ClrHome db 27,"[2J",27,"[01;01H"
CLRLEN equ $-ClrHome ; Length of term clear string
SECTION .bss ; Section containing uninitialized data
COLS equ 81 ; Line length + 1 char for EOL
ROWS equ 25 ; Number of lines in display
VidBuff resb COLS*ROWS ; Buffer size adapts to ROWS & COLS
SECTION .text ; Section containing code
global _start ; Linker needs this to find the entry point!
; This macro clears the Linux console terminal and sets the cursor position
; to 1,1, using a single predefined escape sequence.
%macro ClearTerminal 0
pushad ; Save all registers
mov eax,4 ; Specify sys_write call
mov ebx,1 ; Specify File Descriptor 1: Standard Output
mov ecx,ClrHome ; Pass offset of the error message
mov edx,CLRLEN ; Pass the length of the message
int 80H ; Make kernel call
popad ; Restore all registers
Show: pushad ; Save all registers
mov eax,4 ; Specify sys_write call
mov ebx,1 ; Specify File Descriptor 1: Standard Output
mov ecx,VidBuff ; Pass offset of the buffer
mov edx,COLS*ROWS ; Pass the length of the buffer
int 80H ; Make kernel call
popad ; Restore all registers
ret ; And go home!
ClrVid: push eax ; Save caller's registers
push ecx
push edi
cld ; Clear DF; we're counting up-memory
mov al,FILLCHR ; Put the buffer filler char in AL
mov edi,VidBuff ; Point destination index at buffer
mov ecx,COLS*ROWS ; Put count of chars stored into ECX
rep stosb ; Blast chars at the buffer
; Buffer is cleared; now we need to re-insert the EOL char after each line:
mov edi,VidBuff ; Point destination at buffer again
dec edi ; Start EOL position count at VidBuff char 0
mov ecx,ROWS ; Put number of rows in count register
PtEOL: add edi,COLS ; Add column count to EDU
mov byte [edi],EOL ; Store EOL char at end of row
loop PtEOL ; Loop back if still more lines
pop edi ; Restore caller's registers
pop ecx
pop eax
ret ; and go home!
Ruler: push eax ; Save the registers we change
push ebx
push ecx
push edi
mov edi,VidBuff ; Load video address to EDI
dec eax ; Adjust Y value down by 1 for address calculation
dec ebx ; Adjust X value down by 1 for address calculation
mov ah,COLS ; Move screen width to AH
mul ah ; Do 8-bit multiply AL*AH to AX
add edi,eax ; Add Y offset into vidbuff to EDI
add edi,ebx ; Add X offset into vidbuf to EDI
; EDI now contains the memory address in the buffer where the ruler
; is to begin. Now we display the ruler, starting at that position:
mov al,'1' ; Start ruler with digit '1'
DoChar: stosb ; Note that there's no REP prefix!
add al,'1' ; Bump the character value in AL up by 1
aaa ; Adjust AX to make this a BCD addition
add al,'0' ; Make sure we have binary 3 in AL's high nybble
loop DoChar ; Go back & do another char until ECX goes to 0
pop edi ; Restore the registers we changed
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
ret ; And go home!
nop ; This no-op keeps gdb happy...
; Get the console and text display text buffer ready to go:
ClearTerminal ; Send terminal clear string to console
call ClrVid ; Init/clear the video buffer
mov eax,1 ; Start ruler at display position 1,1
mov ebx,1
mov ecx,32 ; Make ruler 32 characters wide
call Ruler ; Generate the ruler
; Now let's generate the chart itself:
mov edi,VidBuff ; Start with buffer address in EDI
add edi,COLS*CHRTROW ; Begin table display down CHRTROW lines
mov ecx,224 ; Show 256 chars minus first 32
mov al,32 ; Start with char 32; others won't show
.DoLn: mov bl,CHRTLEN ; Each line will consist of 32 chars
.DoChr: jcxz AllDone ; When the full set is printed, quit
stosb ; Note that there's no REP prefix!
inc al ; Bump the character value in AL up by 1
dec bl ; Decrement the line counter by one
loopnz .DoChr ; Go back & do another char until BL goes to 0
add edi,COLS-CHRTLEN ; Move EDI to start of next line
jmp .DoLn ; Start display of the next line
; Having written all that to the buffer, send the buffer to the console:
call Show ; Refresh the buffer to the console
Exit: mov eax,1 ; Code for Exit Syscall
mov ebx,0 ; Return a code of zero
int 80H ; Make kernel call
mov eax,1 //设置标尺的起始坐标1,1
mov ebx,1
mov ecx,32 //标尺的宽度是32个字节
call Ruler //把标尺写入缓存
mov edi,VidBuff //edi= VidBuff
add edi,COLS*CHRTROW //edi= VidBuff+ COLS*2
mov ecx,224 //总循环次数是224=256-32
mov al,32 //al=32,第一个打印的ASCII码字符
.DoLn: mov bl,CHRTLEN //bl=32,每行打印的字符数
.DoChr: jcxz AllDone //cx=0跳转到AllDone,结束外层循环。
stosb //填充al值到edi指向的内存。
inc al //al=al+1
dec bl //bl=bl-1
loopnz .DoChr //当bl值等于0时,会设置ZF标志位,所以会结束循环,因此,每32次循环后,结束一次内层循环。
add edi,COLS-CHRTLEN //edi切换到下一行的起始位置
jmp .DoLn //进行下一个外层循环,写入下一行ASCII码值。
call Show //显示ASCII码表
showchar: showchar.o
ld -o showchar showchar.o
showchar.o: showchar.asm
nasm -f elf -g -F stabs showchar.asm
[root@bogon showchar]# make
nasm -f elf -g -F stabs showchar.asm
ld -o showchar showchar.o
[root@bogon showchar]# ./showchar