How to create an installer for your Python program


How to create an installer for your Python program

Here are the steps necessary to create an installable application out of your Python program.

Create an icon for your program (optional)

  1. Download and install Imagicon []
  2. Run the program to create an icon file, and save it to your program directory

Create an executable file and distribution directory:

  1. Download and install cs_Freeze from []
  2. Download and copy this font to your application directory: [freesansbold.ttf]
  3. Update your program to use this font (see tutorial video)
  4. Open a command prompt and navigate to your application directory
  5. Run cxfreeze on your python script
    \python31\scripts\cxfreeze ""
  6. Switch to 'dist' directory
    cd dist
  7. Copy needed files from parent
    copy ..\*.*

Create an installer

  1. Download the freeware version of InstallCreator from []
  2. Run the wizard to create an installer for the distribution directory
    (Note, the video below does not set program name correctly. It instead sets it to the name of the icon.)



