when i was so embarassed to use EGPU in NUC. finally ,i get some help by Mr. zhang to solve this problems .
first, to be honest, i use those article to solve basic install
- 在Ubuntu中使用雷电3外接显卡(eGPU)进行深度学习_Lumozzz的博客-CSDN博客_ubuntu 雷电3
- linux环境新NVIDIA-GPU服务器进行压力测试_毅强的博客-CSDN博客_linux六张显卡压测利用率稳定,八张显卡利用率浮动
- if you have some question that you can inquire CSDN
of couse ! if you get the EGPU can't use in show interface and the nvidia-smi not work, that's right.you can follow me to solve this problem:
- GitHub - hertg/egpu-switcher: Setup script for eGPUs in Linux (Xorg)
- i think this article is very good. you can run the manual code to install .
- oh ! you need according to the mind to install . i just need to install golang environment.
- finally, you just set your use EGPU to use .