XigmaNAS 发布了。XigmaNAS 原名为 NAS4Free,是一个嵌入开源存储系统的分发版系统,支持跨 Windows、Mac 和类 Unix 系统的分享。包含 ZFS, Software RAID (0,1,5), 磁盘加密, S.M.A.R.T / email 报告等功能。支持协议:CIFS (samba), FTP, NFS, TFTP, AFP, RSYNC, Unison, iSCSI, UPnP, Bittorent (initiator and target) ,这些都可以通过其提供的 Web 界面进行配置。
- Upgrade FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE to P9.
- Removed novnc from webgui.
- Change syscons sc to vt virtual terminal console driver.
- Add UEFI support for Embedded and Full(UFS) platforms.
- Add detailed encryption and authentication algorithm.
- Upgrade iperf3 to 3.6.
- Upgrade dmidecode to 3.2.
- Upgrade devcpu-data to 1.20.
- Upgrade tmux to 2.8.
- Upgrade mDNSResponder to 878.200.35.
- Upgrade netatalk to 3.1.12.
- Upgrade syncthing to 1.0.0.
- Upgrade sudo to 1.8.27.
- Upgrade msmtp to 1.8.3.
- Upgrade phpmyadmin to 4.8.5.
- Upgrade lighttpd to 1.4.53.
- Upgrade virtualbox-ose to 5.2.26.
- Upgrade libvncserver to 0.9.12.
- Upgrade samba to 4.8.9.
- Upgrade php to 7.3.2.
- Upgrade APCu to 5.1.17.
- Upgrade dialog to 1.3-20190211.
- Upgrade arcconf to 3.00.23488.
- Upgrade smartmontools to 7.0.
- Upgrade nano to 4.0.
- Upgrade bash to 5.0 p3.
- Upgrade zoneinfo to 2019a.
- Upgrade e2fsprogs to 1.45.0.
- Fix export/import function phpvirtiualbox.
- Fix /dev/md2 creation on boot.
- Fix iconf issue with empty inbound charset. (BR 378)
- Fix my.cnf default location if not defined by user.
- Fix lockdown file access when hostallow is bypassed.
- Fix diag_log_settings.
- Fix delete orphaned pools.
- Fix query wrong service for Service Running information.