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[19th of series6] Step12: Handle Bitcoin Transaction Types



This blog is going to analyze Bitcoin transaction types, transaction fees, and transaction sizes.

1. Transaction Types

We going to use Python-Bitcoinlib to analyze transaction types.

First, we handle all transactions of a given block and group them into different types according to their <the number of vins, the number of vouts>.

$ python [vinout.py](https://gist.github.com/8befc8f9159594f455c95c1fb99cd80d#file-vinout-py)

Second, there are several Bitcoin transaction types, including P2PKH, P2SH, Multisig, Pubkey, and Null Data. A Bitcoin transaction is an attempt at changing the ownership of some number of Bitcoins. Although many transaction types can be represented in the scripting language, only a limited number of standard types are actually accepted by the network and the miners. The set of stand



