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Apache Click框架不错啊


最近稍微看了看Apache Click(http://click.apache.org/)。感觉非常简洁。貌似不错的说。

Apache Click is a simple JEE web application framework for commercial Java developers.

Apache Click is an open source project, licensed under the Apache license .

Click uses an event based programming model for processing Servlet requests and Velocity for rendering the response. (Note other template engines such as JSP and Freemarker are also supported)

This framework uses a single servlet, called ClickServlet, to act as a request dispatcher. When a request arrives ClickServlet creates a Page object to process the request and then uses the page's Velocity template to render the results.

Pages provide a simple thread safe programming environment, with a new page instance created for each servlet request.

Possibly the best way to see how Click works is to dive right in and look at some examples. (The examples are also available online at http://click.avoka.com/click-examples/ under the menu "Intro Examples".)
