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Cannot delete repository files in the target folder makesure you have write access to the files 错误...


     在一次TargetDesigner生成XPE SP2)镜像的时候,突然出现了个“CMI.Utilities.1: 拒绝访问错误,从提示上看应该是组件数据库权限错误,找了一些资料没有解决掉,按照网上的提议重新更新了SP2组件数据库,但是问题仍然没有解决,因为时间比较着急我所幸重新安装了xpe开发工具,但是新问题又出现了:在更新组件数据库到SP2时提示“Cannot delete repository files in the target folder makesure you have write access to the files”错误,现在看来只是武断的重新来过并不能解决问题啊 ,应该从出现的问题着手解决
开始的时候没有出现这个问题,好像在我装了杀毒软件并扫描了一次硬盘后才出现的,因为组件数据库的共享文件夹保护非常脆弱,所以我怀疑是共享文件夹的某些 权限被更改了,然后搜索XPE共享权限相关的问题,果然在一国外论坛上找到了类似的问题,答案就是那么简单-更改共享文件夹权限就搞定,我却浪费 了半天的时间。





找到 Windows Embedded Data\Repositories 右键Repositoriesà属性-->共享-->权限-->对“Everyone”组勾选 “完全控制”,确定。

 Problem: You get an error when you import an updated SLD file with Component Database
Manager - Error: Cannot delete repository files in the target folder. Please make sure you
have write access to the files.
Solution: Component Database Manager will delete any previous repository in order to copy
the updated files. The
Repositories subdirectory under \Windows Embedded Data is shared, but
the share is setup with read-only access. In short, the read-only permission is the cause of the
failure. Full Control access must be granted either to the
Everyone group or to your
administrator account.
Below are the steps to change the sharing and security permissions. You must be logged on as
an administrator to make these changes.
1. Open the Folder Options, which can be found in Control Panel or from the Tools menu
in Explorer. The Folder Options dialog opens.
2. Under the View tab, scroll down and uncheck Use simple File Sharing
(recommended). This will provide full access to Sharing and Security options.
3. In Explorer, right-click on the Repositories folder under Windows Embedded Data, and
select Sharing and Security...
4. Click on the Permissions button.
5. Change the Permissions for the
Everyone group to Full Control. Alternatively, you
could just add you own account with Full Control.
6. Try re-importing the SLD.


