Python小白的学习之路 Day1
Bg:作者已系统学习过半学年Java,学习Python资料为密歇根大学的公开课《Python for Everybody》,YouTube, Coursera 均有此视频。链接为 其中内置auto-grader,可以通过quiz检测自己的学习情况。此外,作者在学习过程中使用PyCharm练习Python
略过安装,配置过程,以及经典 print('Hello World!')
—(原课程Chapter 1)
Variables, expressions and statements (Chapter 2)
- Fixed values such as numbers, letters and strings — values does not changed
- Named place in the memory where programmer to store data
Reserved Words
- class, return, is, etc.
- Connot used them as variables / identifiers
Name Rules
- Case Sensitive
- Start with letters or underscore_
- Must consist of letters, numbers, and underscores
Assignment Statements
- Arrow nature: Right to left by “=”
Numeric Expressions
Operator | Operation |
" + " | Addition |
" - " | Subtraction |
" * " | Multiplication |
" / " | Division |
" ** " | Power |
" % " | Remainder |
Operator Precedence Rules
Highest to lowest:
Left to Right
type() ask python what types of some numbers
Type Conversions
Using built-in functions int() and float()
- Also can used them to convert between strings and integers. Importantly, string does not contain numeric characters will get an error.
Integer Division
- Integer division produces a floating point result
>>> print(10 / 2)
User Input
- Instruct Python to pause and read data from the user using the input() function
- The input() function returns a string
nam = input('Who are you? ')
print('Welcome', nam)
Converting User Input
inp = input('Europe floor?')
usf = int(inp) + 1
print('US floor', usf)
Comments in Python
- Anything after a # is ignored by Python