Link: 使用JavaScript学习函数式编程 — Anjana Vakil — JSUnconf
In this tutorial, Anjana talked about functional programming, which is different from imperative programming (命令式编程)and OOP.
Another tutorial: javascript higher-order functions
She is a great communicator!! So maybe the best teacher is one who gives you a ton of “ah-ha” moments and explain things really well.
She’s not like a bunch of pedantic dudes who talk around and pretend as if they are intelligent, but she thoroughly understands the core and generously and effectively delivers her knowledge. I wish she was my professor.
Completely cool at all aspects… how she explains, how she interacts with the audience, how she managed saying “i dont feel qualified to talk about non-blocking, promises…”
“Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.”
– Edsger Dijkstra
i feel motivated, i think we need more women programmers for sure.
Two videos I watched: One, Two