nise_bosh部署cloudfoundry V2单机版


今日看到一些网友尝试在虚拟机上部署单机版的cloudfoundry V2,做一些测试,为了避免大家少走一些网络

就写下这篇文档 ,还望不吝赐教。


ubuntu 10.04 64位的干净系统.最好用root用户执行 ,网络尽量畅通。

作为测试环境 30g的硬盘  2g的内存 就可以了。


root@neal-Lenovo-Product:~# git clone
正克隆到 'cf_nise_installer'...
remote: Reusing existing pack: 719, done.
remote: Total 719 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
接收对象中: 100% (719/719), 119.42 KiB | 110.00 KiB/s, done.
处理 delta 中: 100% (391/391), done.
Checking connectivity... done


root@neal-Lenovo-Product:~/cf_nise_installer/scripts# vi


#!/bin/bash -ex


root@neal-Lenovo-Product:~# ./cf_nise_installer/scripts/ 
+ '[' '!' -f /etc/lsb-release ']'
++ uname -m
+ '[' x86_64 '!=' x86_64 ']'
+ which git
/usr/bin/git#[8595] INFO:  * nginx_newrelic_plugin
#[8595] INFO:  * syslog_aggregator
#[8595] INFO:  * buildpack_java
#[8595] INFO:  * buildpack_java_offline
#[8595] INFO:  * buildpack_ruby
#[8595] INFO:  * buildpack_nodejs
#[8595] INFO:  * buildpack_go
#[8595] INFO: Installing package common
#[8595] INFO: The same version of the package is already installed. Skipping
#[8595] INFO: Installing package libpq
#[8595] INFO: The same version of the package is already installed. Skipping
#[8595] INFO: Installing package mysqlclient
#[8595] INFO: The same version of the package is already installed. Skipping
#[8595] INFO: Installing package sqlite
#[8595] INFO: The same version of the package is already installed. Skipping
#[8595] INFO: Installing package ruby
#[8595] INFO: The same version of the package is already installed. Skipping
#[8595] INFO: Installing package cloud_controller_ng
#[8595] INFO: The same version of the package is already installed. Skipping
#[8595] INFO: Installing package nginx
#[8595] INFO: The same version of the package is already installed. Skipping
#[8595] INFO: Installing package nginx_newrelic_plugin
#[8595] INFO: The same version of the package is already installed. Skipping
#[8595] INFO: Installing package syslog_aggregator
#[8595] INFO: The same version of the package is already installed. Skipping
#[8595] INFO: Installing package buildpack_java
#[8595] INFO: The same version of the package is already installed. Skipping
#[8595] INFO: Installing package buildpack_java_offline
#[8595] INFO: The same version of the package is already installed. Skipping
#[8595] INFO: Installing package buildpack_ruby
#[8595] INFO: The same version of the package is already installed. Skipping
#[8595] INFO: Installing package buildpack_nodejs
#[8595] INFO: The same version of the package is already installed. Skipping
#[8595] INFO: Installing package buildpack_go
#[8595] INFO: The same version of the package is already installed. Skipping
+ set +x
You can launch Cloud Foundry with './scripts/'
Restart your server before starting processes if you are using Ubuntu 10.04




root@anchora:~/cf_nise_installer# ./scripts/

+ sudo /var/vcap/bosh/bin/monit
monit daemon at 24117 awakened
+ sleep 5
+ for process in postgres nats
+ sudo /var/vcap/bosh/bin/monit start postgres
+ sleep 30


 root@anchora:~/cf_nise_installer# sudo /var/vcap/bosh/bin/monit summary
The Monit daemon 5.2.4 uptime: 7d 1h 21m 

Process 'cloud_controller_ng'       running
Process 'cloud_controller_worker_local_1' running
Process 'cloud_controller_worker_local_2' running
Process 'nginx_ccng'                running
Process 'cloud_controller_worker_1' running
Process 'cloud_controller_clock'    running

安装上面的步骤 一般都没有问题的
