2、用ue4-docker 构建ue4.23.1-pixelstreaming 基础镜像
ue4-docker build \ custom:4.23.1-pixelstreaming \ # Tag the image as adamrehn/ue4-full:4.23.1-pixelstreaming -repo=https://github.com/comin2013/UnrealEngine.git \ # 使用自己修改过的包含多线程加速下载依赖文件的UE仓库,也可以使用本地下载好了的包含加速的仓库
3、创建UE4.23.1-pixelstreaming 工程 P1,流程如下
Linux下 git clone https://github.com/comin2013/UnrealEngine.git
4、制作包含P1的镜像Image1, Dockerfile 如下:
# Perform the build in an Unreal Engine container image that includes the Engine Tools and Linux support for Pixel Streaming
FROM adamrehn/ue4-full:4.23.1-pixelstreaming AS builder
# Clone or copy the source code for your Unreal project here, e.g.:
COPY --chown=ue4:ue4 ./P1 /tmp/project
# Build and package our Unreal project
RUN ue4 package Development #发行版请删除Development
# Copy the packaged files into a container image that doesn't include any Unreal Engine components
# (Note that the relevant Pixel Streaming files will be copied too, since they're automatically staged with the packaged files)
FROM adamrehn/ue4-runtime:latest
COPY --from=builder --chown=ue4:ue4 /tmp/project/dist/LinuxNoEditor /home/ue4/project
# Enable the NVIDIA driver capabilities required by the NVENC API
# Create a symbolic link to the path where libnvidia-encode.so.1 will be mounted, since UE4 seems to ignore LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# (Replace "ProjectName" with the name of your actual Unreal project)
RUN ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnvidia-encode.so.1 /home/ue4/project/P1/Binaries/Linux/libnvidia-encode.so.1
须附带 -gpus=all 参数,否则运行UE4程序会报错:error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment
不需要带 RenderOffScreen参数,否则会报错并退出
~/project/Engine/Source/Programs/PixelStreaming/WebRTCProxy/bin$ ./WebRTCProxy -Cirrus= //Cirrus指向信令服IP和端口
7、容器宿主机上启动谷歌浏览器,输入信令服务器地址,即可看到容器内运行的PI UE4项目的画面
注:必须在宿主机上访问,是因为容器IP地址未做转换,需要TURN and STUN(coturn) ,由于4.23.1PixelStreaming只支持OpenGL,还不支持Vulkan,所以这里暂时不做深入研究。
关注:Pixel Streaming in Linux containers - Adam Rehn 了解最新情况