Category of UIActionSheet
that offers a completion handler to listen to interaction. This avoids the need of the implementation of the delegate pattern.
in the desired classes of your project.You has to create the sheet the regular way
UIActionSheet *sheet = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:@"Test"
delegate:nil // Can be another value but will be overridden when showing with handler.
otherButtonTitles:@"Option 1", @"Option 2", nil];
Now you have several new methods to show the sheet passing the completion handler.
[sheet showInView:view
handler:^(UIActionSheet *actionSheet, NSInteger buttonIndex) {
if (buttonIndex == [actionSheet cancelButtonIndex]) {
NSLog(@"Cancel button index tapped");
} else if (buttonIndex == [actionSheet destructiveButtonIndex]) {
NSLog(@"Destructive button index tapped");
} else {
NSLog(@"Button %i tapped", buttonIndex);
For each method in UIActionSheet that shows a sheet there is a new method with the same signature but that also passes the handler.
- (void)showInView:(UIView *)view handler:(UIActionSheetHandler)handler;
- (void)showFromBarButtonItem:(UIBarButtonItem *)item animated:(BOOL)animated handler:(UIActionSheetHandler)handler;
- (void)showFromRect:(CGRect)rect inView:(UIView *)view animated:(BOOL)animated handler:(UIActionSheetHandler)handler;
- (void)showFromTabBar:(UITabBar *)view handler:(UIActionSheetHandler)handler;
- (void)showFromToolbar:(UIToolbar *)view handler:(UIActionSheetHandler)handler;
You can see some examples in ViewController