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matlab bds,BDS检验


function [w, sig, c, c1, k] = bds (series, maxdim, distance, flag, maxram)

if nargin < 5

maxram = 150;

elseif maxram > 500

disp('Are you sure you have so much memory available?')

error('If so, you need to edit the code, otherwise try again with a lower value.')


if nargin < 4

flag = 0;

elseif ~any(flag == [0 1])

error('Unknown method for determining dimensional distance; try again with 0 or 1.')


if nargin < 3

distance = 1.5;

elseif distance < 0

error('The dimensional distance parameter must be positive.')

elseif flag == 1 & distance > 1

error('The correlation integral cannot exceed 1.')


if nargin < 2

maxdim = 2;

elseif maxdim < 1

error('The dimension needs to be at least 1.');


if nargin < 1

error('Cannot compute the BDS statistic on nothing.')


[rows,cols] = size(series);

if rows > 1 & cols == 1

n = rows;

series = series';

elseif cols > 1 & rows == 1

n = cols;

elseif cols > 1 & rows > 1

n = cols*rows;

series = series(:)'; % transformation into a row vector

disp(sprintf('\aTransformed matrix input into a single column.'))


error('Cannot compute the BDS statistic on a scalar!')


%%%%%%%%%%%% Determination of and preparations for fastest method given MAXRAM %%%%%%%%%%%

fastbuild = 0.000016 * (1:52) .* pow2(1:52); % memory requirements

slowbuild = 0.000045 * pow2(1:52); % for the various

holdinfo = 0.000005 * pow2(1:52); % algorithms in

wordtable = 0.000008 * n^2 ./ (1:52); % megabytes for

bitandop = 0.000024 * n^2 ./ (1:52); % given N

[ram1, bits1] = min(fastbuild + holdinfo + wordtable + bitandop); % number of bits for

[ram2, bits2] = min(fastbuild + holdinfo + wordtable); % which each of six

[ram3, bits3] = min(slowbuild + holdinfo + wordtable + bitandop); % methods uses minimum

[ram4, bits4] = min(slowbuild + holdinfo + wordtable); % memory; this memory

[ram5, bits5] = min( wordtable + bitandop); % is given by

[ram6, bits6] = min( wordtable); % ram1, ram2,..., ram6

if ram1 < maxram | ram2 < maxram

if ram1 < maxram

method = 1;

bits = bits1; ram = ram1;


method = 2; % maximum number of rows to put

bits = bits2; ram = ram2; % through BITAND and bit-counting

stepping = floor((maxram-ram)*bits/n/0.000024); % algorithm without exceeding MAXRAM


% Vector BITINFO lists the number of bits set for each integer between 0 and 2^bits

% (corresponding to the indices of the vector shifted by 1). See Kanzler (1998) for an

% explanation.

bitinfo = uint8(sum(rem(floor((0:pow2(bits)-1)'*pow2(1-bits:0)),2),2));

elseif ram3 < maxram | ram4 < maxram

if ram3 < maxram

method = 3;

bits = bits3; ram = ram3;


method = 4;

bits = bits4; ram = ram4;

stepping = floor((maxram - ram) * bits / n / 0.000024);


bitinfo(1:pow2(bits), :) = uint8(0); % the same as above, but created through

for bit = 1 : bits % a loop, which consumes less memory

bitinfo(1:pow2(bits)) = sum([bitinfo, ...

kron(ones(pow2(bits-bit),1), [zeros(pow2(bit-1),1); ones(pow2(bit-1),1)])],2);


elseif ram5 < maxram | ram6 < maxram

if ram5 < maxram

method = 5;

bits = bits5; ram = ram5;


method = 6;

bits = bits6; ram = ram6;

stepping = floor((maxram - ram) * bits / n / 0.000024);



disp('Insufficient amount of memory. Allocate more memory to the system')

disp('or reduce the number of observations, then try again.')

error(' ')



if ~flag

demeaned = series-sum(series)/n; % fastest algorithm for

epsilon = distance * sqrt(demeaned*demeaned'/(n-1)); % computing the standard

clear demeaned % to save memory % deviation of SERIES

elseif 0.000008 * 3 * sum(1:n-1) < maxram % check memory requirements for DIST and sorting

dist(1:sum(1:n-1)) = 0;

for i = 1 : n-1

dist(1+(i-1)*(n-1)-sum(0:i-2):i*(n-1)-sum(1:i-1)) = abs(series(i+1:n)-series(i));


sorted = sort(dist);

epsilon = sorted(round(distance*sum(1:n-1))); % DISTANCEth percentile of SORTED series

clear dist sorted


error('Insufficient RAM to compute EPSILON; allocate more memory or use METHOD = 1.')


colsum(1:n) = 1;

rowsum(1:n) = 0;

nwords = ceil((n-1)/bits);

wrdmtrx(1:n-1,1:nwords) = 0; % initialisation of bit-word table

for row = 1 : n-1

bitvec = abs(series(1+row:n) - series(row)) <= epsilon;

rowsum(row) = sum(bitvec);

colsum(1+row:n) = colsum(1+row:n) + bitvec;

nwords = ceil((n-row)/bits);

wrdmtrx(row,1:nwords) = (reshape([bitvec,zeros(1,nwords*bits-n+row)],...%transformation

bits, nwords)' *pow2(0:bits-1)')'; %into bit-words


clear series bitvec

bitsum(maxdim:-1:1) = cumsum([sum(rowsum(maxdim:n-1)), rowsum(maxdim-1:-1:1)]);

c1 (maxdim:-1:1) = bitsum(maxdim:-1:1) ./ cumsum([sum(1:n-maxdim), n-maxdim+1 : n-1]);

fullsum = rowsum + colsum;

k = (fullsum*fullsum' + 2*n - 3*(2*bitsum(1)+n)) / n/(n-1)/(n-2);

clear rowsum colsum fullsum bitsum

for m = 2 : maxdim

bitcount = 0;

if sum(method == [1 3])

wrdmtrx(m:n-1,:) = bitand(wrdmtrx(m:n-1,:),wrdmtrx(m-1:n-2,:)); % BITAND and bit

bitcount = sum(sum(bitinfo(wrdmtrx(m:n-1,:)+1))); % count all at once

elseif sum(method == [2 4])

for row = n-stepping : -stepping : m+1 % BITAND

wrdmtrx(row:row+stepping-1,:) = bitand(wrdmtrx(row:... % and bit

row+stepping-1,:), wrdmtrx(row-1:row+stepping-2,:)); % count in

bitcount=bitcount+sum(sum(bitinfo(wrdmtrx(row:row+stepping-1,:)+1))); % backward

end % loops

wrdmtrx(m:row-1,:) = bitand(wrdmtrx(m:row-1,:), wrdmtrx(m-1:row-2,:)); % through

bitcount = bitcount + sum(sum(bitinfo(wrdmtrx(m:row-1,:)+1))); % the table

elseif method == 5

wrdmtrx(m:n-1,:) = bitand(wrdmtrx(m:n-1,:), wrdmtrx(m-1:n-2,:)); % BITAND at once...

for col = 1 : ceil((n-1)/bits) % bit count

bitcount = bitcount + sum(sum(rem(floor(wrdmtrx(m:... % by brute force

n-1-(col-1)*bits, col) * pow2(1-bits:0)), 2))); % in loops



for row = n-stepping : -stepping : m+1

wrdmtrx(row:row+stepping-1,:) = bitand(wrdmtrx(row:... % BITAND

row+stepping-1,:), wrdmtrx(row-1:row+stepping-2,:)); % opera-

end % tions

wrdmtrx(m:row-1,:) = bitand(wrdmtrx(m:row-1,:), wrdmtrx(m-1:row-2,:)); % and brute-

for col = 1 : ceil((n-1)/bits) % force bit

bitcount = bitcount + sum(sum(rem(floor(wrdmtrx(m:... % counting

n-1-(col-1)*bits, col) * pow2(1-bits:0)),2))); % in loops



c(m-1) = bitcount / sum(1:n-m); % indexing of

sigma(m-1) = 2*sqrt(prod(ones(1,m)*k) + 2*ivp(k,m-(1:m-1),m-1)... % C and SIGMA

*(ivp(c1(1),2*(1:m-1),m-1))' + (m-1)*(m-1)... % runs from 1

*prod(ones(1,2*m)*c1(1)) - m*m*k*prod(ones(1,2*m-2)*c1(1))); % to MAXDIM-1


clear wrdmtrx

if maxdim > 1

w = sqrt(n-(2:maxdim)+1) .* (c - idvp(c1(2:maxdim), 2:maxdim, maxdim-1)) ./ sigma;

if exist('normcdf.m','file') & nargout > 1

sig = min(normcdf(w,0,1), 1-normcdf(w,0,1)) * 2;

elseif nargout > 1

sig(1:maxdim-1) = NaN;



w = [];

sig = [];

c = [];


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Sub-functions for computing integer powers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

function ipow = ivp (base, intpowvec, veclen)

ipow(1 : veclen) = 0;

for j = 1 : veclen

ipow(j) = prod(ones(1, intpowvec(j)) * base);


function ipow = idvp (basevec, intpowvec, veclen)

ipow(1 : veclen) = 0;

for j = 1 : veclen

ipow(j) = prod(ones(1, intpowvec(j)) * basevec(j));

