aws python lambda_PSPy 一个简单的Python 2.7 AWS Lambda函数


AWS PowerShell Python Lambda - PSPy

AWS PowerShell Python Lambda, or PSPy for short, is a simple Python 2.7 AWS Lambda function designed to execute the PowerShell binary and marshal input/output to PowerShell.


Setup is very easy depending on your level of trust with a random GitHub repository you found on the internet.


If you prefer to get started right away, head over to the releases page and grab the latest zip file and upload the zip file as the code for a new Lambda function in your AWS account.

Build from scratch

Alternatively, if you want to ensure you are getting the latest PowerShell release, and that nothing else is packaged with it [nothing is, I promise :) ] then follow the steps below.

Create a new Amazon Linux EC2 instance and run the following commands on it (note you can replace the rpm with the latest release if you desire)


yum install libunwind uuid

rpm -i powershell-6.0.0_alpha.18-1.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm

mkdir pspy

cd pspy

cp -R /opt/microsoft/powershell/6.0.0-alpha.18/* .

cp /usr/lib64/libunwind* .

cp /usr/bin/uuid .

Create within the pspy folder containing the code below

import boto3,subprocess,os

def lambda_handler(event, context):

#get lambda variables

executionArg = event['executionArg']

executionPayload = event['executionPayload']

#environment variables required for powershell to start

os.environ["HOME"] = "/tmp"

os.environ["PSHOME"] = "/tmp"

#need to make powershell binary executable

process = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/chmod +x /var/task/pwsh"],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)

if executionArg == "-c":

process = subprocess.Popen(["/var/task/pwsh -c '{}'".format(executionPayload)],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)

elif executionArg == "-enc":

process = subprocess.Popen(["/var/task/pwsh -enc {}".format(executionPayload)],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)

elif executionArg == "-f":

s3_client = boto3.client('s3')

bucket = executionPayload['bucket']

key = executionPayload['key']

localPath = os.path.join('/tmp',key.split("/")[-1])

s3_client.download_file(bucket, key, localPath)

process = subprocess.Popen(["/var/task/pwsh -f {}".format(localPath)],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)


return "Unrecognized executionArg"

returncode = process.wait()

output =

print output

return output

Run the following commands

zip -rq .

aws s3 cp s3://yourbucket/

Create python 2.7 lambda function referencing your uploaded zip file from s3

Make sure that your Lambda can read from a S3 bucket if you desire to execute ps1 files (more on this later)


The Python portion of this Lambda function was designed to be very easy to use. It accepts PowerShell code in three ways.

Literal commands that you might traditionally use with -command

Base64 encoded commands that you might traditionally use with -encodedcommand

PS1 script files that you might traditionally use with -file


Simply pass your Lambda function an event that looks like this


"executionArg": "-c",

"executionPayload": "Get-Host"



Simply pass your Lambda function an event that looks like this


"executionArg": "-enc",

"executionPayload": "RwBlAHQALQBIAG8AcwB0ADsARQB4AGkAdAA7AA=="



Simply pass your Lambda function an event that looks like this


"executionArg": "-f",

"executionPayload": {

"bucket": "",

"key": ""



I found an issue

Great! I threw this silly thing together rather hastily so it's likely to have issues. Open an issue with the repository explaining what is wrong and we'll see if we can't figure out how to fix the problem. Or you can bring up an issue and the solution in a pull request.

I have a suggestion

Awesome! Create an issue describing your suggestion, including a pull request if you have decided to take care of implementing your suggestion for me.

Why on earth did you do this?

In short: I like PowerShell and wanted to run it in AWS Lambda.

I attempted to get it running in native C# code using dotnetcore in Lambda but kept running into issues. I was seeking help on the PowerShell slack team when a gentleman from AWS (who will remain nameless until he consents to being credited) sent me a private message, interested in what I was trying to do. He asked if I had tried to just use the PowerShell binary in Lambda, so I decided I would give his suggestion a shot and it totally worked!


PSPy is licensed under the MIT license, just like PowerShell
