Cost Elements
1. Material
2. Material Overhead
3. Resource
4. Overhead
5. Outside Processing
This is the cost of outside processing purchased from a supplier. Outside processing may be a fixed charge per item or lot processed, a fixed amount per outside processing resource unit, or the standard resource rate times the standard units on the routing operation. To implement outside processing costs, you must define a routing operation, and use an outside processing resource.
Costs Incurred, Costs Relieved, Variances Relieved and Net Activity
Costs Incurred : Costs associated with material issues/returns, resource, and overhead transactions of a job or repetitive schedule. This can be computed as:
Cost Incurred = Issued Quantity * Component/Unit Cost
Costs Relieved : Standard costs relieved by cost element when assemblies from a job or repetitive schedule are completed or scrapped. This can be computed as:
Relieved Cost = Material Cost (based on completion date) * Completed quantity
Variances Relieved: Variances relieved by cost element when a job or accounting period is closed, or when a repetitive schedule is cancelled. This can be computed as:
Variances Relieved = Cost Incurred - Cost Relieved
Note: This is After Closing of Work Order
Net Activity: Cost element net activity, the difference between the costs incurred and the costs and variances relieved. This can be computed as:
Net Activity = Cost Incurred - Cost Relieved
Note: This is Before Closing of Work Order
Standard Cost Valuation
Value by Cost Element
Standard Costing
Unlimited Cost Types
You can define an unlimited number of cost types and use them with any inventory valuation and margin analysis reports. This allows you to see the potential effects of a cost rollup/update. You can also update your standard costs from any of the cost types you have defined. When you use Bills of Material with Inventory, you can specify the cost type in explosion reports and report these costs for simulation purposes.
Standard Cost Variances
Purchase Price Variance (PPV)
PPV = (PO unit price – standard unit cost) x quantity received
Invoice Price Variance (IPV)
Cycle Count and Physical Inventory
· Work in Process provides usage, efficiency, and standard cost adjustment variances.
Usage and Efficiency Variances
o Usage and efficiency variances result when the total costs charged to a job or schedule do not equal the total costs relieved from a job or schedule at standard. Charges occur from issues and returns, resource and overhead charges, and outside processing receipts. Cost relief occurs from assembly completions, scrap transactions, and close transactions.
o Usage and efficiency variances are primarily quantity variances. They identify the difference between the amount of material, resources, outside processing, and overheads required at standard, and the actual amounts you use to manufacture an assembly. Efficiency variance can also include rate variance as well as quantity variance if you charged resources or outside processing at actual.
Material Usage Variance
o The material usage variance is the difference between the actual material issued and the standard material required to build a given assembly, calculated as follows:
standard material cost x (quantity issued – quantity required)
o This variance occurs when you over or under issue components or use an alternate bill.
Resource and Outside Processing Efficiency Variance
o The resource and outside processing efficiency variances is the difference between the resources and outside processing charges incurred and the standard resource and outside processing charges required to build a given assembly, calculated as follows:
(applied resource units x standard or actual rate) – (standard resource units at standard resource rate)
o This variance occurs when you use an alternate routing, add new operations to a standard routing during production, assign costed resources to No – direct charge operations skipped by shop floor moves, overcharge or undercharge a resource, or charge a resource at actual.
Move Based Overhead Efficiency Variance
o Move based overhead efficiency variance is the difference between overhead charges incurred for move based overheads (overhead basis of Item or Lot) and standard move based overheads required to build a given assembly, calculated as follows:
applied move based overheads – standard move based overheads
o This variance occurs when you use an alternate routing, add operations to a standard routing during production, or do not complete all the move transactions associated with the assembly quantity being built.
Resource Based Overhead Efficiency Variance
o Resource based overhead efficiency variance is the difference between overhead charges incurred for resource based overheads (overhead basis of Resource units or Resource value) and standard resource based overheads required to build a given assembly, calculated as follows:
applied resource based overheads – standard resource based
o This variance occurs when you use an alternate routing, add new
operations to a standard routing during production, assign costed resources to No – direct charge operations skipped by shop floor moves, overcharge or undercharge a resource, or charge a resource at actual.
Standard Cost Adjustment Variance
o Standard cost adjustment variance is the difference between costs at the previous standards and costs at the new standards created by cost update transactions.